Invitation to Submit a Manuscript to the 2024 Fall Quarterly Issue? From The Mentoring Institute at The University of New Mexico 
The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching
“The Value of Mentoring for Leadership Development”

Dr. Nora Dominguez, Director
 Dr. Mary Barbara Trube, Chief Editor

Call for Proposals

Manuscripts for the 2024 Fall Quarterly Themed Journal of The Chronicle of Mentoring & Coaching are now being solicited. The Fall issue will present articles based on authors’ ongoing research, project development, and programs related to the theme “The Value of Mentoring for Leadership Development.” You are invited because your previous work, as a paper and presentation, were deemed a contribution to the literature on the topic. The target date of publication for this peer-reviewed, themed journal is 15 December 2024.

Authors have been invited to submit a full article of approximately 5000-6000 words based on their previous successfully presented research, models, interventions, and programs related to mentoring and leadership development at The Mentoring Institute’s Annual Conference on The University of New Mexico campus. As a previous presenter, each invitee belongs to a community of scholars and practitioners who actively work to retain, engage, develop, and empower leaders. We believe that this commitment to the mentoring community will be further demonstrated by each contributor’s review of one-two articles submitted by fellow authors. This will ensure that each manuscript will undergo a double-blind review, which is valued in professional and academic communities. As previous presenters, authors have an account with The Mentoring Institute and will be able to access the portal to submit and retrieve papers.  

If you would like to contribute your article to the Fall Quarterly CMC Journal please send an “intention to submit” via email to the lead editor, Mary Barbara Trube, at by 1 August 2024. The intention to submit should be written as a single-spaced Word document that includes the author’s(s’) name(s) and affiliation(s), email address(es), a telephone contact number for the lead author, a working title for the manuscript you intend to submit, and a brief biography of approximately 150 words for each author.  

A link for submitting the full article for the 2024 Fall Quarterly Themed Journal will be sent via email from The Mentoring Institute on or about 10 September 2024 along with the steps to submit the full manuscript. Full manuscripts include the abstract, paper, and references, following the APA 7 style guide. Peer reviews will begin on 20 September 2024 and conclude on 15 October 2024. Authors will retrieve their reviewed manuscripts by 17 October and submit by the firm date of 23 November 2024.  

Intent to Submit:  1 August 2024 Reviews Submitted:   15 October 2024
Full Manuscript Submission:  15 September  2024       Final Manuscript Submitted:  23 November 2024

Target for Publication: 15 December 2024


Please forward all queries to  
Mary Barbara Trube
Editorial Consultant
The Mentoring Institute
The University of New Mexico