The University of New Mexico’s Mentoring Institute proudly announces the Soft-Skills program for Spring 2024. The online Soft-Skills program intends to help high school students grow leadership, interpersonal, and critical thinking skills in a rigorous, confidence-building environment.

The program, designed using the Quality Matters Rubric, asynchronously prepares students for professional, personal, and collegiate success. This course's overall intention is to provide learners with skills and knowledge in personal management. Students learn effective social interactions, self-regulation, motivation, goal setting, growth mindset, time management. Students strengthen academic skills necessary for higher education and long-term success (i.e., college writing, public speaking, asking questions, classroom interactions).

The resources are completely online and free to use, meaning it is the perfect supplement to a skills-building or college preparedness class. Our system has built-in assignment and quiz software.

We are able to offer the Soft-skills Program at no cost to schools through generous funding from the New Mexico State Legislature. Apply now through the registration portal on our website.

For more information


Course Layout

The course contains eighteen modules in four units of soft skills: learning, relationships, academic success, and applying for colleges. There are 12 learning outcomes, including improved test taking, communication, career planning, recognizing the value of diversity, and improving memory. Each week contains one module. Each module has a pre-test, a post-test, 6 assignments, and a summative assessment.

Soft Skills for Learning:

Week 1: Mentoring Basics

Week 2: Habits for a Successful College Student

Week 3: Growth Mindset

Week 4: Self-regulated Learning

Soft Skills for Relationships:

Week 5: Self-Awareness & Self-Control

Week 6: Motivation & Empathy

Week 7: Social Skills

Soft Skills for Academic Success:

Week 8: Time Management Revised

Week 9: Understanding Your Professors - Generational and Cultural Awareness

Week 10: Active Listening

Week 11: Asking Powerful Questions

Week 12: Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback

Week 13: Writing at a College Level

Week 14: Preparing for Public Speaking

Week 15: Using Learning Skills Inventories

Week 16: Improving Memory Techniques

Soft Skills for Applying to College

Week 17: College Application Process

Week 18: Financial Aid Options