Citation (APA): | Pfund, C., Sorkness, C. A., Trube, M. B., Myers, O. B., & Dominguez, N., & Martinez, W. (Eds.).(2024). Mentorship interventions across career stages in biomedical & health sciences fields. [Special Issue], The Chronicle of Mentoring & Coaching, 8(1). |
About the Publication
Publication Start Year
The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching is an online trade-marked periodical publication owned by The University of New Mexico and hosted by The Mentoring Institute. The Mentoring Institute began publishing annual Special Issues of the Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching in 2017. More than 100 peer-reviewed articles on various research topics in mentoring, coaching, and leadership have been published annually since the first publication. 2,553 peer-reviewed articles have been published in 17 Issues across 8 volumes by June 2024.
In June 2024, the Mentoring Institute published this special issue of the Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching as an open-access journal titled "Mentorship Interventions Across Career Stages in Biomedical & Health Sciences Fields."
Beginning in the summer of 2024, The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching will begin offering Quarterly Issues to Mentoring Institute members. Each quarterly issue features theme-based, full-length articles and book reviews on research, models, and programs with cutting-edge strategies and current exemplary practices in mentoring and coaching.
This open-access special issue of the Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching contains 15 double-blind, peer-reviewed research articles as well as a commentary from the special issue guest editors, Christine Pfund and Christine A. Sorkness. Authors and experts in the biomedical and health sciences fields, report their research on diversity and inclusion initiatives and established practices followed at their institutions of higher education and research laboratories.
Journal Format
ISSN (Electronic)
Open Access
The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching [Special Issue], Vol. 8, No. 1 is open access and available to the public.
Access to all other Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching is a benefit of active membership in the Mentoring Institute at The University of New Mexico. Individuals interested in becoming members are invited to visit the website at
Other Formats
Names and Affiliations of the Editorial Board
Nora Dominguez, Ph.D.
Director of the Mentoring Institute
The University of New Mexico
Orrin B. Myers, Ph.D.
Professor, Family & Community Medicine
Technical Reviewer of the Mentoring Institute
The University of New Mexico
Mary Barbara Trube, Ed.D.
Editorial Consultant of the Mentoring Institute
The University of New Mexico
About the Guest Editors
Guest Editor: Christine Pfund, Ph.D.
Director, Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER)
Principal Investigator, Coordination Center, National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN)
Director, Mentorship Initiatives, Institute for Clinical & Translational Research
Distinguished Senior Scientist, Wisconsin Center for Education Research
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Guest Editor: Christine Sorkness, R.Ph., Pharm.D.
Senior Associate Executive Director, Workforce Development
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Medicine Institute for Clinical and Translational Research School of Medicine and Public Health
Advertising Policy & Publisher Information
The Chronicle for Mentoring and Coaching is not advertised in a public forum. The Mentoring Institute identifies the journal by name, volume, and issue for their members to access. The journal does not include advertisers or sponsors outside of The University of New Mexico.
NLM ID: 101767017
NLM TA: Chron Mentor Coach
Publisher Information
The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching is a trade-marked journal of The University of New Mexico.
The University of New Mexico
1 University of New Mexico, MSC 05 3130, Albuquerque, NM 87131
The Mentoring Institute
1716 Las Lomas Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87106
Tel: (505) 277-1330
Fax: (505) 277-5494
Publisher's Website
Business Structure
The University of New Mexico was founded in 1889 as New Mexico’s flagship institution.
As a Minority Serving Institution, the University represents a cross-section of cultures and backgrounds. In the Spring of 2023, more than 24,000 students attended the main, branch, and HSC campuses and education centers.
UNM boasts an outstanding faculty that has included four National Academy of Sciences/Engineering Members, six National Academy of Inventors Fellows, 60+ Fulbright scholar program awardees, and several fellows of national and international associations and societies. Faculty publish in major refereed professional journals, including The New England Journal of Medicine, American Historical Review, and Nature, and with top-tier academic presses such as the University of Chicago Press and Cambridge University Press. As publicly oriented scholars, UNM professors share their expertise in local and national media outlets, from The Albuquerque Journal to The New Yorker.
UNM is the state's largest academic employer, including University Hospitals' employees. It has more than 200,000 alumni with Lobos in every state and more than 2,400 alumni outside the U.S.
UNM's libraries, museums, galleries, and performance spaces are a rich cultural resource for the state. Home to the Lobos and contenders in the Mountain West Conference, UNM athletics draw fans from all over. The University Arena, or “The Pit,” is one of college basketball's most famous and recognizable buildings. The Pit was ranked 5th by the Travel Channel as one of the best college basketball venues.
Organization Owners and Executives
Nora Dominguez, Ph.D.
The Mentoring Institute
The University of New Mexico
Parent or Related Companies and/or Subsidiary Organizations Associated with the Publisher
Parent Organization: The University of New Mexico -
Owner Organization: The Mentoring Institute -
Tel: (505) 277-1330
Fax: (505) 277-5494