• Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference
  • Mentoring Conference

2024 Events

Inclusive Developmental Networks: Building Transformative Communities Through Effective Mentoring

October 21, 2024 - October 25, 2024

Opening session remarks

Angela Byars-Winston, University of Wisconsin-Madison  

These opening remarks will ground us in the conference theme "Inclusive Developmental Networks: Building Transformative Communities Through Effective Mentoring." It will emphasize the critical importance of embracing transformation in personal and professional contexts, highlighting how openness to change fosters growth and innovation.

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Conference Session Facilitator

Dionne Clabaugh, Angle 4 Solutions  

Tuesday: Let’s Get Started - Inclusive Developmental Networks: Building Transformative Communities Through Effective Mentoring
Following opening remarks and description of session purpose and guidelines, groups of 6-8 participants engage in a facilitated conversation circle that applies appreciative inquiry in response to provided prompts.

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Working Strategically with Inclusive Developmental Networks

Nora Dominguez, University of New Mexico  

Given the complexities of current organizational climates, we acknowledge that a single mentor cannot provide all the guidance, exposure, and opportunities essential to effectively managing current job and leadership challenges. Therefore, the analysis and strategic use of Inclusive Developmental Networks is critical for career success. In this session, Dr.

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Building Transformative Communities Through Integrative and Kind Mentoring

Mica Estrada, University of California  

We have many opportunities to change patterns of exclusion and inclusion in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM). Traditional STEM education has focused on providing knowledge as the way to integrate people into an academic community, but data shows that not all people became equally integrated into this academic community, despite knowledge acquisition.

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Transformative Comentoring Through a Restorative Justice Lens

Mirna Ramos-Diaz, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences  

The environment and culture we are living in today is full of conflict, stress, uncertainty and disharmony. This is being reflected in our institutions and workplaces.

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Different Mentoring Solutions for Diverse Challenges

William Gray, Mentoring Solutions  

William A. Gray (PhD) describe 12 of the 200+ different Mentoring Solutions he developed to resolve diverse challenges in education, government and corporations.

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Transformative Research and Practice: Promoting Individual and Organizational Learning for Equity and Inclusion

Sylvia Hurtado, University of California, Los Angeles  

Adopting a transformative paradigm for research and practice requires centering participants' needs, encouraging engagement, and empowering them to become active agents at multiple levels of an organization.

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Scaling Up Your Campus's Mentoring Program: Lessons Learned from Texas A&M University

Fran Kochan, Auburn University  

Establishing an organizational culture that enables transformation through mentoring is important; however, promoting a culture of mentoring is not trivial work. An organization-wide culture of mentoring is challenging for two reasons: first, the notable gap in mentoring literature and second, this goal demands continual and multi-faceted support.

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Building Transformative Communities Through Culturally Responsive Mentorship

Beronda L. Montgomery, Grinnell College  

Cultural diversity factors are salient in every work and academic environment. Many of these environments are inhospitable to individuals from groups who identify with minoritized sociocultural identities.

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Mentoring Well: Building Bridges to Access and Success

Clinton Patterson, Texas A&M University  

Mentoring is often positioned as the transfer of information from an experienced, senior individual (or mentor) to a junior inexperienced individual (or mentee). Implicit in this description are the ideas that at the core of mentoring is a process of teaching - to guide, instruct and train - and that mentoring may largely be a one-way flow of information.

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Mentoring Foundations for Mentors and Mentees

Bob Garvey, The Lio Partnership  

This workshop is about processes, skills and techniques in mentoring conversations. Delivered in the ‘mentoring way’ and through experiential learning, this workshop offers an opportunity to think about, practice and experience a range of approaches to mentoring. It will be practical, participative, full of learning and great fun.

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Managing and Evaluating Mentoring Programs workshop

Laura Lunsford, National Science Foundation  

Increase your efficiency and effectiveness as a program manager by clarifying the goals of your mentoring program, which drive program activities and evaluation. You will learn the five steps to manage and steward an effective mentoring program.

The morning session will focus on sharpening your program goals and recruiting and preparing participants.

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Mentoring Across Differences

Tamara Thorpe, Real Mentors Network  

Cross-cultural mentoring relationships are a powerful inclusion strategy in both academic and professional environments. Mentoring across differences not only create opportunities for mentees to advance academically and professionally, but also foster cultural awareness, sensitivity, and inclusivity.

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Mentoring Foundations for Program Managers

David Law, Utah State University  

This interactive workshop takes a breadth perspective in helping program coordinators/managers design or redesign effective formal mentoring programs in business, education, non-profit, and government settings.

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Developing Mentoring Competencies

Natasha Mickel, University of Oklahoma  

The "Developing Mentoring Competencies" workshop is designed to equip participants with essential skills for effective mentorship across diverse contexts. Through an interactive session and practical exercises, attendees will enhance their abilities in key areas crucial to building successful mentoring relationships.

Communication stands as the cornerstone of effective mentoring.

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Mentoring Principles for Imagination and Teamwork

Maggie Werner-Washburne, University of New Mexico  

The Intentional Mentoring Program was developed at UNM over the past 20 years through an NIH-funded training program that enrolled 400 UNM students from many races and ethnicities. Mentees graduated at much higher-than-average rates as both undergraduate and graduate students and have gone on to have rewarding careers. Both mentors and mentees benefitted from this approach.

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2023 Events

The Impact of Developmental Relationships on the Future of Work

October 23, 2023 - October 27, 2023

Funding the mentoring program in uncertainty

Monica Castañeda-Kessel, Utah State University      

The Research & Development Ecosystem is dynamic and evolving.

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Becoming an effective mentoring program coordinator/manager

David Law, Utah State University   Jim LaMuth, Utah State University  

This interactive workshop helps program coordinators/managers design or redesign effective formal mentoring programs in business, education, non-profit, and government settings.

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Creating and assessing effective mentoring programs

Laura Lunsford, Campbell University   

This workshop will take you through the steps to create and assess an effective mentoring program. It is designed for new and experienced program managers who wish to maximize their mentoring program effectiveness. Learning these steps will save you time and trouble in launching and managing a successful program.

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Emotional intelligence for mentors

Dionne Clabuagh, Izzi Early Education   

As a mentor, how do you develop yourself to be successful, and what are the key skills you need? Because mentoring is relationship-based, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is vital for mentors whether in education, corporate, government, or non-profit sectors.

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Becoming an effective mentor

Bob Garvey, York Business School     

This workshop is aimed at mentors, mentees and program coordinators who wish to develop mastery in the practice of systemic mentoring. It combines both the theoretical underpinning of skills frameworks with practical applications and approaches.

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Building developmental networks

Brian Soller, University of Maryland    

Mentoring is not restricted to formalized, hierarchical, relationships between a mentor and a protege. Rather, mentoring often occurs within?developmental networks, which are sets of relationships with?developers, that is those who promote one's career advancement by providing professional and personal support and role modeling.

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Closing session remarks

Dionne Clabuagh, Izzi Early Education     

You made it to Friday! You went to many sessions and met great people! During this week you’ve engaged, learned, networked, and inquired in many ways. Clearly, you are not the same today as you were when you first arrived at UNM. But what really happened? And what will you do differently as a result of what you’ve experienced here this week? In this closing plenary session, Dr.

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The power of connectivity

Lisa D.Cain, University of Texas    

Effective Communication is extremely important to productivity. However, effectively connecting with others involves more than utilizing written and verbal communication. It involves one’s ability to connect with the intellect and the heart. The presentation will provide the essential tools necessary for networking and interacting with others.

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Opening session remarks

Nora Dominguez, University of New Mexico      

In this session, Dr. Domínguez will delve into the findings, themes, and frameworks revealed through her mentoring practice in higher education, and the theoretical models and case studies presented in the last fifteen mentoring conferences hosted at the University of New Mexico.

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Mentorship networks for underrepresented students in STEM

Paul Richard Hernandez, Texas A&M University    

Mentorship can be part of the solution to developing a more diverse global scientific workforce, but mentorship models focused on dyadic mentoring can reproduce hierarchies the reinforce the status quo.

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Mentoring, inclusion, and belongingness

Audrey J.Murrell , University of Pittsburgh   

The impact of mentoring on important outcomes such as inclusion, diversity, engagement, and belongingness are well grounded by research and best practice. However, our traditional focus on developmental relationships tends to focus on the impact of the mentor-mentee relationship and its impact on ??individual-level outcomes.

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Mentoring in our transforming world

Janice Molloy, University of Michigan   

We all know that mentoring?relationships are incredibly important for individuals and organizations. Yet some emerging scholarship suggests that mentoring is now--and will continue to be--more important than ever given how society is transforming.

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Supportive accountability mentoring

Jean Rhodes, University of Massachusetts    

Social capital plays a key role in college students’ academic and career success. The presentation provides will provide a comprehensive overview of the role and effectiveness of developmental relationships and social capital as well as effective practices for mobilizing such support to advance academic and career success.

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Better mentors and institutions to uplift all young people

Bernadette Sanchez, University of Illinois     

In this presentation, Dr. Sanchez will share findings from her research that shows how mentoring promotes the positive and healthy development of young people of color. First, she will discuss racial, ethnic and cultural processes that matter in mentoring relationships.

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The future of work is hybrid, non-traditional, and focusing on equity and inclusion: So is mentoring!

Tamara Thorpe, Real Leadership    

The workplace has undergone radical transformation since the global pandemic, and recent trends suggest that it will continue to break away from tradition, become more hybrid, and challenge the status quo to become more equitable and inclusive.

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Toward authentic workplace mentoring

Frankie Weinberg, Loyola University  

The purpose of this session is to explore the enhancement of workplace mentoring through the consideration of how implicit leadership theories (ILTs) and implicit followership theories (IFTs) can pave the way for co-creation and mutuality in mentoring relationships. I first build the case for the importance of consideration of ILTs and IFTs in mentoring research and design.

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Reflections on mentoring, developmental networks, and the future of work

Kathy Kram, Boston University     Lisa Fain, Center for Mentoring Excellence      

In this session Dr. Kathy E. Kram will reflect on over forty years of research, writing, and consulting on the nature of mentoring, and how her thinking about this critical developmental process has evolved over time. Rather than make a formal presentation, she will have a “fireside chat” with a facilitator who will ask timely, provocative, and clarifying questions along the way. Dr.

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2022 Events

Fostering Diverse Communities of Mentorship

October 24, 2022 - October 28, 2022

Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Mentees

Brian Barnes,  

There is no more important goal in education than cultivating the intellect, but we cannot achieve this goal unless we place intellectual development at the heart of instruction.

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Assessment of Mentoring Programs and Relationships

Laura Lunsford, Campbell University  

This workshop will present frameworks for making decisions on how to improve mentoring experiences through assessment activities. Assessment activities solicit feedback from or about the participants and focus on participant learning and in situ improvement opportunities. Evaluation efforts determine if the program achieved organizational goals.

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Mentoring Across Differences: Transforming Individuals, Relationships, Institutions, and Professions

Mirna Ramos-Diaz, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences   Fran Kochan, Auburn University  

Cultural differences between individuals, organizations, and societies often create challenges in constructing safe, effective, creative, and flourishing environments in which all individuals and the organizations and institutions in which they function can thrive and succeed.

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Mentoring and the Future of Work: Implications for Research and Practice

Georgia T. Chao, University of South Florida  

The future of work is believed to be more virtual, more technical, and involve more teamwork. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations are reorganizing hybrid structures of virtual and in-person work environments. New technologies offer more virtual work options that mimic face-to-face interactions.

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Mindful Mentorship: Achieving the Best Relationship with Your Mentee and Mentor

Vineet Chopra, University of Colorado Department of Medicine  

In this 50-minute presentation, the speaker will discuss how lessons from Star Wars - the Good and the Dark Side of the Force - can help inform your mentor and mentee relationships. The speaker will discuss how to be an effective mentor, the four golden rules of effective menteeship, and how to avoid mentorship malpractice.

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Creating Powerful Mentoring Constellations

Kathleen Cowin, Washington State University   Dana Griggs, Columbus State University   Donna Augustine-Shaw, Kansas State University  

This session will present evidence about one group’s process to build and sustain effective research partnerships. The Dynamic Model of Collaborative Mentorship (DMCM) by Gut et al. (2020) provides the framework that describes a unique research interest partnership among four researchers that span the United States.

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The Dark Side of Development: When Mentoring Is Problematic and What To Do About It

Erin Dolan, University of Georgia  

Research training is an integral element of undergraduate and graduate education in many fields. Effective mentorship in research promotes the development and success of both undergraduate and graduate mentees. Yet, mentoring relationships, like any prolonged relationship, can have negative elements.

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Can One Person Really Make a Difference? Findings of a Randomized Control Trial of Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring

David L. DuBois, University of Illinois-Chicago  

Mentoring programs are one of the most widely-utilized prevention and promotion strategies for young persons, especially those who are growing up in contexts of socioeconomic disadvantage. Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) is the oldest and largest mentoring program for youth in the U.S.

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Creating and Sustaining a Deep Mentoring Relationship

Donald Hackmann, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  

Mentoring is typically conceptualized as a veteran professional (the mentor) taking an active interest in a novice (the mentee), with the veteran providing training and advice to the novice as they develop proficiency and advance in their profession.

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Developing a Leadership Pipeline with Mentoring

Riza Kadilar, EMCC Global  

Business landscape is rapidly growing and transforming, especially by the penetration of technology in every aspect of our daily lives. More and more professionals and organisations are trying to navigate in this landscape. Leadership in that respect has to overcome various paradoxes to contribute to the creation of an inclusive society fit for digital transformation.

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Mentoring and the Importance of Identity Work

Audrey Murrell, University of Pittsburgh  

Mentoring is a widely accepted practice for effective personal, professional and leadership development. Mentoring offers both psychosocial and career benefits within developmental networks for both mentors and mentees. Mentoring also equips people to lead more effectively within organizations, helping them learn how to activate the power and access resources that can promote systemic change.

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Supporting our Boys and Young Men of Color: How Evidence-Based Practices can Advance this Critical Educational Imperative

Victor B. Sáenz, University of Texas at Austin  

The session will offer an interactive discussion of the gender gap in educational attainment for boys and young men of color as well as showcase promising strategies for addressing this growing state and national imperative.

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An Indigenous Mentoring Program: Development, Implementation, and Lessons Learned

Sweeney Windchief, Montana State University  

In 2014, an Alliance of eight institutions was supported by an award from the National Science Foundation named Pacific Northwest Circle of Success: Mentoring Opportunities in STEM (PNW-COSMOS). The eight participating institutions are committed to supporting American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) graduate students in STEM through culturally appropriate interventions.

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Mentorship and the Art of “Not Knowing”: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

Maria LaMonaca Wisdom, Duke University  

What does it mean to mentor someone from a different discipline and field than one’s own? How can we be helpful across disciplinary divides? I have engaged deeply with this question in my mentoring and coaching work with Duke doctoral students and faculty over the past several years.

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Mentored Arts & Humanities Projects That Foster Reciprocal Growth

Gregory Young, Montana State University  

This session will look creatively at different approaches to mentoring in the arts and humanities while addressing faculty concerns, including workload, student abilities, logistics, dissemination of results, and others that have been raised by A&H faculty members.

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How to Develop Trust in Mentoring Relationships

Lisa Z. Fain, Center for Mentoring Excellence  

It is widely accepted that good mentoring relationships require authentic, honest and candid communication. Effective communication however, is dependent upon creating a trusting relationship in which mentor and mentee feel safe to share, and then safe to soar.

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Coaching and Leadership Approaches to Mentoring

Bob Garvey, York Business School  

This is a practical workshop. The workshop will be delivered in ‘the mentoring way’ and therefore there are no pre-specified learning outcomes. Instead, at the start of the workshop, we will consider and develop our personal learning outcomes for the workshop and our motivations for attending. These will be reviewed during the workshop in the light of our experiences.

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Weaving Negotiation Skills Into Mentorship

Valerie Romero-Leggott, University of New Mexico   Eve Espey, University of New Mexico   Nancy Kanagy, University of New Mexico  

This workshop’s mentoring theme focuses on strategies for effective negotiation. The context for the workshop is the ongoing inequity in pay and opportunity for those with less effective negotiation skills and for those who are often subjects of conscious and unconscious bias—people of color and women.

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2021 Events

Mentoring in an Interconnected World

October 18, 2021 - October 22, 2021

What’s Going on in Their Brains? Improving Mentoring Relationships through Coaching and Neuroscience

Ann Betz, BEabove Leadership  

Join neuroscience and coaching expert Ann Betz for this fun and interactive 6-hour workshop where you’ll learn how to apply cutting-edge neuroscience-based coaching skills and tools to your mentoring relationships. Whether you are experienced with using coaching to enhance engagement or are new to the idea, this workshop will add some amazing tools to your existing toolbox.

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Mentoring Matters: How and Why to Develop Self-Directed Mentees

Dionne Clabaugh, Pacific Oaks College  

As a Mentor, who do you develop and why? Whether you are a Mentor for college students, K-12 teachers, or college faculty, and seek to improve their skills as writers, researchers, learners, or teachers, you want them to be capable people who know how to engage with their Mentor – you are a critical component of their success.

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Mentoring in the C-suite: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go?

Suzanne de Janasz, UYD Management  

Mentoring is an important developmental experience for employees, and it is often integrated into part of organizations’ training and career management efforts (Allen, Finkelstein, & Poteet, 2009).

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Mentoring the Whole Person - The 7 Pillars of Interconnectedness

Michael Diettrich-Chastain,  

Michael Diettrich-Chastain is a bestselling author, leadership expert, professional speaker and CEO of Arc Integrated, a leadership development and team performance firm in Asheville, NC. This session is based on the best selling book Changes - which outlines the 7 pillars of our lived experience and how they influence our ability to navigate change.

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Why Kindness is Important When Mentoring in an Interconnected World

Mica Estrada, University of California, San Francisco  

There is an ongoing tension between breaking apart and coming together that happens at every level of the biosphere, including among people. The health of our relationships with each other depends on this negotiation of independence and connection, which can be impacted by our ancestry, cultures, family of origin, and personal experiences.

With all this in mind, Dr.

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Developing Leader Identity: How Can Multiple Mentors Help to Develop Diverse Leaders?

Rajashi Ghosh, Drexel University  

In today’s dynamic work environment marked with constant changes and uncertainty, individuals need to take a self-directed approach to managing their careers and developing leadership skills.

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5 Ingredients to Design Engaging Mentoring Meetings

Chad Littlefield,  

In this fun, interactive session, Chad Littlefield, creator of the Connection Toolkit, will share five practical, tactical ingredients that you can infuse into your programs to increase impact and engagement. Chad's YouTube videos on this and related topics have been viewed by over 500,000 leaders and educators around the world.

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Positive Relationships Create Effective Mentors: Evidence-Based Outcomes for Facilitated Mentoring Workshops

Natasha Mickel,  

Why Mentoring? Our faculty often inquire, why we should care so much about mentoring? Often one can forget or fail to see the vast number of people and resources that were available to them to make their career possible. This session will demonstrate effective strategies used to implement a faculty mentor initiative on a health sciences center campus.

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Mentoring Matters in an Interconnected World: A Plenary S eries with Tamara Thorpe, The Millennials Mentor

Tamara Thorpe,  

This plenary will be a series of conversations led by Tamara Thorpe and feature Real Mentors, seasoned experts who share their experiences and expertise to help others learn, grow, and transition in a more diverse and interconnected world.

These conversations will focus on the formation of developmental relationships, with an emphasis on the core principles of mentoring.

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Interrupting Microaggressions and Reducing Negative Impacts on Access to Higher Education

Assata Zerai,  

Research has shown that racial and intersectional microaggressions (RIMAs), “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or

negative racial (slights and insults toward people of color” (Sue, et al.

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Bridging Difference for Better Mentoring: Creating Safety and Trust in Mentoring Relationships

Lisa Fain,  

We all know that mentoring relationships have the potential to help us achieve better performance, create more work/life satisfaction, and be more likely to take risks. We also know that to reap these benefits, we need to have trusting mentoring relationships, where mentor and mentee can show up authentically, have difficult

conversations, and share their struggles.

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5 Steps to Design and Implement an Effective Mentoring Program

Laura Lunsford, Campbell University  

This workshop is for new and experienced program managers who want to maximize their mentoring program effectiveness. If you want a fantastic mentoring program then this workshop is for you. We will first focus on tips to make sure you have designed a program to meet your organizational goals.

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2020 Events

High-Quality Connections: Developmental Networks Science & Practice

October 19, 2020 - October 23, 2020


Omnia Abdel-Gawad, Aspirations Coaching, LLC  

Join me and experience proven approaches to achieving connections and well-being through simple practices. Being able to disconnect for few minutes and to be present in our body gives us the strength and ability to improve our relationships and be present for others. Creating high quality relationships starts with stopping and taking care of yourself even if it is for few minutes.

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Being A Life-long Learner: Authentic Integration Now

Celestina Garcia, Coaching Solutions  

To coach or mentor, another human is to enter into a co-collaborative agreement to elevate each other's capacity to live grand, to be all you are meant to be, to be your best self. The intersectionality between mentor and mentee relationship is developed through the 'give and take' process and learning practices of connection, communication, and commitment.

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Chad Littlefield, We and Me  

In this fun, interactive kickoff session, Chad Littlefield, TEDx speaker and author, will share practical tools on how to make engagement and connection easy—online. You'll walk away with numerous concrete tips, tools, and techniques that you will be able to implement in your programs immediately. They're simple to lead, universally appealing and most require no props.

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Leveraging Developmental Networks for Protégé Well-Being and Resilience

Dawn E. Chanland, Queens University  

This workshop bolsters attendees’ ability to assist others in creating responsive developmental networks and to act as developer coaches to proteges. Particular emphasis will be placed on heightening attendees’ coaching skills and ability to help proteges make decisions that heighten their well-being and resilience.

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Leveraging Decades of Difference: How to Create High-Quality Connections Across Generations

Tamara Thorpe, Organizational Development Consultant  

In a fast changing world, the future is becoming harder to predict with so many more factors to consider. We are left feeling uncertain about how to act and respond, especially today as we face a global pandemic and uprising against racial discrimination.

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Development Networks: What We Know & Where We Might Go With Research & Practice

Dawn E. Chanland, Queens University  

This session reviews the research base on developmental networks in the workplace and other contexts. It underscores theoretical lenses often used to examine networks and proposes new research directions.

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Don't Go It Alone—Be Savvy

Kathleen M. Cowin, Washington State University  

Learning to Lead within a Co-mentoring Circle Drawing on Relational Cultural Theory (Fletcher & Ragins, 2007), relational savvy (Chandler, Hall, & Kram, 2009), and a fresh look at the definition of the term mentoring (Domínquez & Kochan, 2020), come learn how to create a high-quality, relational mentoring network called a co-mentoring circle.

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Measures of Mentorship in Tumultuous Times

Erica Davis-Crump,  

This session aims to uncover healthy forms of support amid multiple pandemics for your students. We will create a safe space to acknowledge biases, and discuss how to begin cultivating tangible tools that will help the inner work of self care, and healing Mentors require.

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Bridging Differences for Better Mentoring: Creating High-Quality Connections One Relationship at a Time

Lisa Fain, Center for Mentoring Excellence  

Too often, mentoring pairs look for connections in the things they share in common. They shy away from acknowledging differences because they fear it will be uncomfortable, awkward, or misconstrued. Yet, when mentoring partners fail to lean into differences, they miss an opportunity to connect more authentically, and thereby limit the effectiveness of their mentoring relationship.

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Developing Organizational Political Savvy

Jane Lewes, The Learning Consultancy  

In the context of workplace mentoring (especially for women), the concept of developing and applying “political savvy” has rarely been tackled. However, research carried out by Warwick Business School and Roffey Park Institute of Management found that political behaviour is increasing and leads to a reduction of trust in management and game playing is damaging performance.

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How to Connect Effectively Across Cultures

Tayo Rockson, UYD Management  

Connecting across cultures can be enriching and educational, yet also challenging. Markets, worldviews, customs and traditions often become barriers that prevent people from developing cross-cultural relationships. Tayo provides a framework for understanding our internal and external strategies as well as several strategies that allow us to overcome barriers to connecting across cultures.

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Robust, Sustainable Mentoring Networks: A Basis for Mentoring as a Discipline

Maggie Werner-Washburne, University of New Mexico  

Networks, built of nodes and edges, are used to describe how the smallest components of cells interact and also to represent the functioning of tissues, the immune system, and the human body itself. Networks are fundamental to life. While many of these networks are robust to change, i.e.

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Emotional Intelligence

Jerry Willbur, The Leadership Mentoring Institute  

Daniel Goleman popularized the concept of Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, in his book Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ. He argued emotions, and our ability to understand and control them, play a significant role in building effective relationships, making decisions, and future success.

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Master Class in Mentoring Programs: Designing, Implementing & Evaluating

Laura G. Lunsford, Campbell University  

This workshop is for new and experienced program managers who want to maximize their mentoring program effectiveness. If you want a fantastic mentoring program then this workshop is for you. We will first focus on tips to make sure you have designed a program to meet your organizational goals.

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Doing the Work the Right Way: Creating Master Mentors for High Quality Connections

Allison McWilliams, Wake Forest University  

Whether you are leading a formal mentoring program, trying to build a culture of mentoring within your organization, or serving as a mentor yourself in a formal or information relationship, the tools and strategies that effective mentors use, and the ways in which we support their development, are critical components to successful connections.

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2019 Events

Towards the Science of Mentoring

October 21, 2019 - October 25, 2019

Mentoring Across the Differences

Bruce Birren, Broad Institute   Philip Cheng, Henry Ford Health System  

Mentoring is critical to professional growth, and yet learning about mentoring is often relegated to trial and error. This approach often leaves behind students from historically underrepresent groups, leading to reduced persistence.

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Doing the Work the Right Way: Creating Master Mentors for Effective Relationships

Allison McWilliams, Wake Forest University  
Whether you are leading a formal mentoring program, trying to build a culture of mentoring within your organization, or serving as a mentor yourself in a formal or information relationship, the tools and strategies that effective mentors use, and the ways in which we support their development, are critical components of any successful program, culture, or relationship.

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Mentoring Skills for Mentees: Strengthening Mentoring Relationships and Circles of Support through Mentee Training

Sarah Schwartz, Suffolk University  

Much research on mentoring focuses on training the mentor, with little attention on what mentees bring to the relationship. By teaching young adults the skills both to effectively engage with and make use of their current mentoring relationships, as well as to identify and recruit informal mentors, we can equip them with a skillset they can use throughout their lives.

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Research Mentoring for Grant Proposal Development

Anne Marie Weber, University of Minnesota  

Grant proposal development is a fundamental skill that professionals in numerous disciplines and work settings must successfully hone. Yet surprisingly, formal training in grant writing is not routinely embedded in graduate degree programs.

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Cracking the Code to Impact & Income through Innovation

Shawn Blanchard, University of Moguls Publishing  

This is the most aggressive wealth generating time period in the history of mankind. There is an estimated 1700 new millionaires created every day in America and 1 of 6 Millennials are reported to have at least $100k in their bank account. We have more information and a heightened ability to connect with others due to technology.

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Group Dynamics Associated with High Quality Group Mentoring in Educational and Workplace Settings

Dawn E. Chanland, Queens University  

This session seeks to bridge mentoring theory and practice to benefit those who are researching and/or creating mentoring groups or circles. We will discuss team and mentoring research studies that inform how leaders can shape positive group dynamics that will pique group and individual group member development and performance.

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Creating Relational, Co-mentoring Circles with Educators

Kathleen M. Cowin, Washington State University  

Learn to create co-mentoring circles based on the art and science of mentoring. Time to provide mentoring for educators, from novice teachers to veteran school leaders, is in short supply in today’s complex schools.

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Mentoring Career Transitions

Nita Singh Kaushal, Miss CEO  

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average person changes jobs 12 times during his or her career. Studies also show that millennials change jobs 4 times by the age of 32. In this session, we will explore effective strategies aimed at helping mentees confidently navigate career transitions in order to achieve long-term professional growth and satisfaction.

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Evidence-Based Effective Mentoring Practice

Christine Pfund, University of Wisconsin-Madison  

Mentoring is associated with academic and career success across disciplines and career stages in higher education. At the junior faculty level, strong mentorship has been linked to enhanced mentee productivity, self-efficacy, career satisfaction, and sense of support.

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AIME: Mentoring as a Set of Inclusion Practives Within Academic Medicine

Valerie Romero-Leggott, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center   Margaret Montoya, University of New Mexico   Brenda Pereda, University of New Mexico  

AIME: Mentoring as a Set of Inclusion Practices Within Academic Medicine
As academic health centers, other disciplines in higher education, and public and private workplaces across the globe have become more diverse, they also strive to become more inclusive so that everyone feels respected, heard, and valued.

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Diversity in Mentorship: Facilitating Effective Intercultural Relationships Between Mentors & Protégés

Gabe Veas, The Los Angeles School of Mentorship  

How are current mentors provided with high quality, comprehensive, ongoing support to effectively address the needs of protégés from diverse populations? In his Doctoral Commencement Address, Dr.

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STEM Teacher Mentoring: Critical Examination of Its Assumptions, Potentials, and Challenges

Jian Wang, US PREP National Center  

STEM education as an emerging field is seen crucial to the nation’s scientific and technology innovation that will keep its workforce at the competitive edge, offer individuals ample opportunities to pursue social mobility, and provide the important knowledge, skills, and tools for one’s active participation in an ever changing and information society (Bybee, 2013).

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It Takes a Village: Why the World Café Model Advances the Collaborative Knowledge of Mentor Conversations in the Science of Mentoring

Carole Burton,   Carolyn Conn,   Diana Pierce,  

The purpose of applying the World Café Model (2015) for this presentation allows conference attendees to gather and share mentoring perspectives as a “village.” The group, as a whole and individually, will reflect upon methodologies and best practices while addressing the challenges the mentoring community faces.

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Creating a Mentoring Research Project

Lillian Eby, University of Georgia  

This interactive, participant-centered workshop will provide guidance on how to develop a research project on mentoring from the ground-up.

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The Art and Science of Funding Mentoring Programs: Lessons Learned and Strategies that Work

Levon T. Esters, Purdue University  

Funding is critically important for the development, growth, and sustainability of mentoring programs. Though research-based projects tend to garner the majority of funding from federal agencies and private organizations; opportunities are available for researchers and practitioners to fund their mentoring initiatives.

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Managing and Evaluating Mentoring Programs

Laura G. Lunsford, Campbell University  

Successful mentoring programs are tailored to meet individual and institutional needs. In this interactive workshop you will learn best practice in managing your mentoring program from great starts by recruiting the right participants and providing mentorship education to successful endings.

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2018 Events

Mentoring, Coaching, and Leadership for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

October 22, 2018 - October 26, 2018

Choose Your Own Adventure

Charles Ashley, Cultivating Coders  
I'll give insight on how you'll encounter many "on ramp/off ramp" moments in your life when it comes to the people who'll enter and exit you journey in life and business. My journey through life reminds me of a road trip that spans across years and years of flat tires, pit stops, engine failure, getting lost etc.

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Self-Mentoring: Becoming a Cultural Entrepreneur in Organizational Citizenship

Marsha Carr, University of North Carolina-Wilmington  

Most institutional systems struggle to find a balance in the political and human structure of the organization in promoting a healthy and viable environment or ‘organizational culture’. Michael Fullan confers this delicate yet desired balance in a system as ‘organizational citizenship’ – when the individuals in the system operate as a whole and not for individual gain.

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Unraveling Mentoring through Ten Years of Research and Practice

Nora Dominguez, UNM Mentoring Institute  

In this session, Dr. Domínguez will delve into the findings, themes, and frameworks revealed through her mentoring practice in higher education, and the theoretical models and case studies presented in the last ten mentoring conferences hosted at the University of New Mexico.

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Cultural Competency: Unleashing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Through Mentoring

Lisa Fain, Center for Mentoring Excellence  

The key to growth and innovation lies in leveraging differences and creating environments where everyone can bring their best ideas to the table. Mentoring provides a safe space to generate ideas, promote deeper understanding and explore options that lead to innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Innovative Mentoring for Student Success through Transformational Leadership Principles

Sandra Harris, Lamar University  

Research studies have affirmed that transformational leaders are able to establish professional relationships with faculty, staff, students, and the larger community which contribute to a positive school culture. These leaders who incorporate transformational leadership principles have the potential to transform schools into places where students are more likely to be successful.

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Leadership Skills for Women in the Workplace: How to Aim High and Achieve Impact

Nita Singh Kaushal, Miss CEO  

In today’s workplace, women are underrepresented in many key fields and positions. Studies show that women hold just 20 percent of board seats and make up only 4.6 percent of S&P 500 CEOs. And an astounding 56 percent of women in technology leave the industry within ten years, largely because they face an inhospitable work culture or lack support.

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Just Married: Trust and Innovation

Chad Littlefield, We and Me  

How might we foster a culture of innovation in our programs? Chad Littlefield, TEDx speaker, presents a compelling and practical perspective on how to make a shift in both mindset and a culture from a place of "me" to a place of "we" where innovation pops out of being a buzz word.

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Growth Culture: How to Develop Innovative, Entrepreneurial Leaders Through Mentoring and Empowerment

Antoinette Oglethorpe, Antoinette Oglethorpe Ltd.  

Employee engagement and organization culture are so intertwined that it is difficult to mention one without the other.  And professional growth and development is the glue that binds the two together.  If an organization wants to develop innovative, entrepreneurial leaders, the culture needs to support their professional growth.

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The Innovative Mentor

Ofelia Olivero, Diversity Intramural Workforce Branch  

Innovation is a critical component of today’s business enterprise. Innovative thinkers should be empowered by innovative mentors. Facilitating the reshaping of traditional mentor into the new innovative one implies enabling them to perform a deep self-assessment, to connect with themselves and find their real wishes and motivations with regard to mentoring.

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Mentoring Across Difference

Dana E. Bible, Sam Houston State University   Marsha Carr, University of North Carolina-Wilmington   Regina Dixon-Reeves, University of Chicago  

Mentoring programs should not always mirror or emulate each other. These programs must reflect differences that are often ignored due to time constraints, deficiency in planning, or lack of awareness.

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Effective Mentoring

Bruce Birren, Broad Institute   Stephanie House, University of Wisconsin-Madison  

Effective mentoring is integral for academic persistence, productivity, and success. Despite this fact, researchers are often left to their own devices to learn how to mentor through trial and error.

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The Coaching and Mentoring Way in Mentoring and Leadership

Bob Garvey, York St John Business School  

Change and innovation are central to organizational progress but, some models of mentoring and leadership expect that you will be a hero, be perfect, and be able to change your attitudes and behaviours to suit the moment or simply transform people into super men or women with peak performance – overnight! Most of us know that it just ain’t like that because we live it daily.

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How To Mentor, Coach, and Lead An Age Diverse Workforce and Multi-generational Teams

Tamara Thorpe, Organizational Development Consultant  

As a result of the Great Recession, corporate mergers, and business growth, organizations today are becoming increasingly age diverse. Organizations can have up to five generations in the workplace, from Traditionalists (or the Silent Generation) who were born between 1925 and 1945 to Generation Z who were born in the mid-1990s and later.

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Evaluating Mentoring Programs: A Review of Benchmarks and Assessment Techniques to Monitor and Improve Your Program

Laura Lunsford, University of North Carolina Wilmington  

Successful mentoring programs are tailored to individual and institutional needs. In this workshop you will review common elements to successful programs, while developing benchmarks and creating a plan to monitor and improve your program. This interactive workshop will review case studies and ideally, examples from participants to engage in learning that ‘sticks’.

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2017 Events

A Decade of Cultivating an Inclusive Mentoring Community: Developmental Networks for Innovation, Achievement, and Transformation

October 23, 2017 - October 27, 2017

Mentoring that Matters: Using the Power of Mentoring to Help Veteran Transitions

Tammy Allen, University of South Florida  

With an estimated average of 200,000 talented and experienced military members transitioning from the military to the civilian workplace each year, U.S. companies and organizations have responded in concerted fashion to assist with this transition and take advantage of this strong source of talent.

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This is your Brain on Mentoring: The Neuroscience of Creating the Optimal State for Receptive Engagement

Ann Betz, BEabove Leadership  

As human development practitioners, whether mentors, coaches, or counselors, we are ultimately concerned with wanting those we serve to connect, engage, and be able to make the changes they desire.

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The Future of Supported Mentoring — What’s Happening Now and What Comes Next?

David Clutterbuck, European Mentoring and Coaching Council  

With a few, isolated early exceptions, supported mentoring programmes emerged less than 40 years ago. Their evolution over that time has been rapid, both in North America and around the world.

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East Meets West: How Mindfulness Might Be Leveraged to Enhance Mentoring

Lillian Eby, University of Georgia  

In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in the application of mindfulness principles to organizational and educational settings. Mindfulness is a state of consciousness characterized by awareness and observation in the present moment without reactivity or judgment.

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Cultural Competency in Mentoring: Strategies for Connecting Across Difference

Lisa Fain, Center for Mentoring Excellence  

There is near universal consensus that paying attention to Diversity and Inclusion is beneficial for student, staff and faculty engagement and organizational success. Often, organizations employ mentoring programs to effect inclusion, or to help promote diversity within the organization.

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Adding to the Mentor’s Repertoire or Innovation in Mentoring Practice Through Coaching Skills

Bob Garvey, York St John Business School  

Both mentoring and coaching often share similar skills and processes. Much depends on the context and the purpose of the mentoring as to when to use coaching skills.

In this keynote I will explore the skills from a specific technique in coaching known as ‘solution focus’.

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Competence, Boundaries, and Cultural Humility: Toward a Mentoring Code of Ethics

Brad Johnson, US Naval Academy, Johns Hopkins University  
Strong and enduring developmental relationships often progress along a relational continuum from transactional and formal to transformational and relational. As a relationship becomes more mutual, reciprocal, and emotionally bonded, mentors may experience several relationship-based ethical tensions.

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Exploring the Cultural Aspects of Mentoring

Frances Kochan, Emeriti Auburn University  
Mentoring is a complex and varied relational endeavor, which is growing in international prominence. The success of failure of mentoring programs is dependent upon many factors. Among the most prominent, and yet also most overlooked of these factors are the cultural values, beliefs and mores of the individuals, organizations and the society in which the relationship or program exists.

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Ask Powerful Questions: Create Conversations that Matter

Chad Littlefield, We and Me  
How might we foster a culture of asking more powerful questions? Chad Littlefield, TEDx speaker, presents a compelling and thoughtful perspective on how to make a shift in both mindset and a culture from a place of "me" to a place of "we."

The session will introduce a new suite of tools for building relationships of trust in a mentoring context.

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Health Sciences Center Faculty Mentoring in Scholarship is Useful...but first train the trainer

Akshay Sood, University of New Mexico School of Medicine  

Rationale: There is a nationwide shortage of mentors for faculty mentees engaged in scholarship, particularly at small-sized institutions. While mentee training programs are common, few programs focus on developing mentors.

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Mentoring and Leadership Insights for Millennials (NOT About Millennials)

Tamara Thorpe, Organizational Development Consultant  

In 2012, Millennials became the most researched generation of our time. Since then the amount of research on this generation has increased exponentially, covering various aspects from workplace trends and social engagement to financial habits and sexual tendencies.

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Embracing Who We Are: The Significance of Narrative in Successful Mentoring and Inclusion

Maggie Werner-Washburne, University of New Mexico  

In thinking about decades of mentoring, I have come to believe that mentoring success comes from the two-way conversation, a sharing of narratives between mentor and mentee. When we think of “what stuck” in what we gave a mentee and what they gave us, it is usually the story of each person that we remember.

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Looking Back/Moving Forward

Lois Zachary, Leadership Development Services, LLC  
Lois Zachary surveys the mentoring landscape and reflects on how it has evolved over the last ten years. She offers her unique perspective on how the terrain has changed, what the lay of the land is now and what the most likely next stage will be. Dr.

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A Pragmatic Approach to Mentoring

Jane Lewes, The Learning Consultancy   Eileen Murphy,  

Part A: The Building Blocks of Mentoring Relationships
Part A will focus on the six

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The Power of We: Creating Community through Positive Social Risks and Conversations that Matter

Chad Littlefield, We and Me  

How might we create more conversations that matter? Chad Littlefield, TEDx speaker, will facilitate a deep dive pre-conference session to unpack this question. You will be left with a compelling and thoughtful perspective on how to break down communication barriers and boost connection and engagement in your programs.

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Evaluating Mentoring Programs: A Review of Benchmarks and Assessment Techniques to Monitor and Improve Your Program.

Laura Lunsford, University of North Carolina Wilmington  

Successful mentoring programs are tailored to individual and institutional needs. In this workshop you will review common elements to successful programs, while developing benchmarks and creating a plan to monitor and improve your program. This interactive workshop will review case studies and ideally, examples from participants to engage in learning that ‘sticks’.

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2016 Events

Developmental Networks : The Power of Mentoring and Coaching.

October 24, 2016 - October 28, 2016

Shift the Focus: How Changing the Conversation can Maximize the Mentor/Mentee Relationship

Jillian Gonzales, University of New Mexico  

In recent years the practice of coaching has been welcomed into the world of mentoring. Coaching offers multiple modalities that enhance the practice of mentoring conversations. One such model is Motivational Interviewing originated by William Miller, University of New Mexico and Stephen Rollnick, University of South Wales, 1983.

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Starting and Supporting Mentoring Programs

Laura G. Lunsford, University of Arizona  

This intimate and interactive workshop is designed for you if you are a new or experienced mentoring program manager who has oversight for a mentoring program and a desire to improve it. You will develop plans for designing (or redesigning) your mentoring program and learn how to support flourishing mentoring relationships.

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Neuroscience and Mentoring: A Toolkit For Building Effective Developmental Networks

Jerry Willbur, The Leadership Mentoring Institute  

Dramatic improvements in brain scanning devices available to researchers are opening up exciting discoveries about mentoring. We can now observe in real time as the brain reacts to mentoring experiences and actually restructures itself before our eyes.

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Conscious Connections to Create Developmental Networks

Chad Littlefield, We and Me  

How might we create more conversations that matter? Chad Littlefield, TEDx speaker, presents a compelling and thoughtful perspective on how to break down communication barriers and boost connection and engagement. The session will introduce a new framework for viewing our interpersonal interactions.

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Mentoring and the Work of Innovation

Audrey J. Murrell, University of Pittsburgh  

The power of mentoring relationships has been shown to impact a wide variety of organizational outcomes such as career development, leadership cultivation and diversity matters. This talk will make the case that the next phase of mentoring research should focus on the role that mentoring can play in driving the critical work of innovation.

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A New Approach to Cultivate Mentoring Relationships

Jean Rhodes, University of Massachusetts, Boston  

Mentoring relationships have emerged as a key factor in the educational attainment and academic success of underrepresented college students, yet data indicate that such students are less likely to form these vital connections during college.

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The Skilled Coachee: Lessons for Mentoring Theory & Practice

Paul Stokes, Sheffield Business School (SBS)  

In this session, Stokes will be drawing upon his PhD research which is examined on the premise that, in coaching and mentoring relationships, the coachee can also be deemed as having process skills that are necessary for such relationships to be effective.

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The Power of Mentoring Millennials with Generational Competence

Tamara Thorpe, Organizational Development Consultant  

Economic shifts over the last twenty years have made the multi-generational workforce a reality, with up to four generations in the workplace today. Millennials became the largest segment of that workforce in 2015, and these increasing numbers are creating significant shifts in the workplace.

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Building a Bigger “Us”: Multidimensional Networking and Mentoring

Maggie Werner-Washburne, University of New Mexico  

While we have worked for decades to mentor students for valuable careers in STEM, there are still many organizational areas that lack diversity in terms of gender, race, or ethnicity. Over the years, we continue to observe places of power where women and minorities and even men with different pedigrees are not hired.

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Developmental Networks: Learning from Mentors, Coaches, and Peers

Wendy Murphy, Babson College    

The nature of careers has dramatically changed with increasing job mobility, globalization, and technological innovation. In response, the scholarship of mentoring has broadened its scope from a traditional dyadic perspective to a developmental network. A developmental network is defined as a set of people who take an active interest in and action toward advancing an individual’s career.

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2015 Events

New Perspectives in Mentoring: A Quest for Leadership Excellence and Innovation

October 20, 2015 - October 23, 2015

Confronting Paradox: Insights from the Mentoring Experiences of Professional Indian Women

Stacy Blake-Beard, Professor of Management, Simmons College  

India is facing a number of changes that have implications for women and their participation in the workforce. These women face a challenging paradox. On one hand, there is the hope that they will be contributing factors in the rapidly changing and competitive economy through enhanced participation in the workforce.

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An Evidence-based Relational Approach to Creating Powerful Feedback Conversations

Lise Lewis, Master Coach Practitioner and EMCC International President  

Feedback is generally accepted as being significant in improving leadership and ultimately organisational performance and is integral to coach / mentor practice. Given this emphasis there is scope for improving the activity when the anticipation of engaging with feedback can elicit feelings of anxiety sometimes escalating to fear.

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Using Your Enthusiasm and Passion to Enhance Your Mentoring

Diana E. Northup, Professor Emerita, College of University Libraries & Learning Sciences
Visiting Associate Professor, Biology UNM

Effective mentoring can make a crucial difference to young, intelligent students who lack confidence and the advantage of a few decades of experience. Lack of mentoring and a lack of perspective on my part, caused me to abandon my dreams at age eighteen.

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Developing Excellence in Leadership and Coaching—for Mentors

Chris Cook, President & CEO, Capiche Consulting  

It’s important that mentees see their mentors as effective and resonant leaders both within their professional field of expertise and within their circles of influence. But that’s not all.

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Developing Mentor Leaders: Wired to Win

Jerry Willbur, The Leadership Mentoring Institute  

This workshop will employ exciting new research from the cognitive sciences especially concerning neuroplasticity (brain growth) and the role of mentoring.  Using new transcranial magnetic stimulation and scanning techniques we are learning new things about the brain and how mentoring and other interventions can actually change brain structure and functioning.

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The Leadership Identity Journey: Transformative Leaps for Humankind

Carol A. Mullen, Professor of Educational Leadership, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University  

Imagining our leadership experience as a journey increases our capacity for leading and mentoring more effectively and purposefully. This “leadership identity journey” presents an absorbing and transformative experience that draws on Joseph Campbell’s universal mythology within a leadership frame of reference.

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2014 Events

Developmental Networks: Mentoring & Coaching at Work

October 21, 2014 - October 24, 2014

Reaching Across: Mentoring in a Multicultural Society

Carlos E. Cortés, University of California, Riverside  

In our increasingly multicultural nation and shrinking globe, all of us are likely to mentor -– and be mentored by –- people with whom we share both similarities and differences.  This talk will address the opportunities and challenges inherent in such mentoring.

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Creating a Sustainable STEM Talent Pipeline

Mary Fernández, MentorNet  

Over the past 10 years, U.S. growth in STEM jobs was three times greater than non-STEM jobs. Yet demand in many STEM fields is dramatically outstripping supply.  Only one out of ten students who attend college will graduate with a STEM degree, and while 7 out of 10 college students are women or under-represented minorities, only 4 out of 10 are STEM graduates.

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Mentoring (alone) Is Not The Answer: Take A Strategic Approach And Achieve Much More!

Ann Rolfe, Mentoring Works  

We look to mentoring to achieve workplace outcomes but are these goals realistic?  Too often mentoring is seen as a panacea - it’s assumed mentoring will remedy all ills and resolve the discrepancy between the current situation and the desired one. However, most goal achievement requires a suite of integrated actions.

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Mentoring for Life: Inspiring Today's Students to Become Tomorrow's Most Creative, Thoughtful Leaders

Maggie Werner-Washburne, University of New Mexico  

This plenary session will address the importance of fostering emotional intelligence and psychosocial support in the mentoring relationship for the development of scientists and researchers, and propose best practices for successful application in scientific research fields.

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Cultivating a Highly Efficient Mentoring Culture via Neurological Breakthroughs

Jerry Willbur, The Leadership Mentoring Institute  

Based on research conducted by The Leadership Mentoring Institute, and recent breakthroughs in brain scan technology, this plenary will discuss mentoring strategies for establishing highly effective organizations, and how neuroscience can be used across disciplines to supplement existing research available on mentoring.

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A Conversation With Alana: One Boy's Multicultural Rite Of Passage

Carlos E. Cortés, University of California, Riverside  

"A Conversation with Alana" is a one-hour, one-person autobiographical play written and performed by Carlos E. Cortés, Professor Emeritus of History at the University of California, Riverside.

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The Dynamics of Coaching & Mentoring Relationships in the Workplace

Bob Garvey, York St John Business School  

Mentoring and coaching are employed increasingly in the workplace for a variety of purposes. As human beings, we are brilliant at relationships and very poor at them as well.  Human relationships are both dynamic and complex, and mentoring and coaching relationships are no less complex than other types of relationships.

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Designing Effective Mentoring Programs

Ann Rolfe, Mentoring Works  

Imagine what it would be like if your mentoring program were the benchmark for other industries.  Or, other organizations looked at what you had done as a model.

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The Power of Positive Mentoring

Jerry Willbur, The Leadership Mentoring Institute  

This pre-conference workshop will use both qualitative and quantitative research, plus insights from thirty years in the field of mentoring, to explore the importance of the development of emotional intelligence ‘people savvy’ skills in the effective mentoring connection.

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2013 Events

Impact and Effectiveness of Developmental Relationships

October 29, 2013 - November 1, 2013

Keys to the Development and Implementation of Formal Mentoring Programs

Tammy D. Allen, University of South Florida  

Formal mentoring programs can be an effective strategy for enhancement of employee and student retention, socialization, and diversity development. However, poorly designed and executed programs can do more harm than good.The objective of this session will be to share a set of evidence-based guidelines for implementing programs within organizational and academic settings.

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How Much Do Mentees Need Goals?

David Clutterbuck, European Mentoring & Coaching Council  

There is an assumption in much of the literature on mentoring and coaching that the learner will benefit from having very specific (SMART) goals. But what's the evidence for this. David shares the results of several years' exploration of this topic, which have resulted in the publication later in 2013 of the book Beyond Goals.

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Facilitating High Quality Mentoring Relationships: Evidence-based Recommendations

Lillian T. Eby, University of Georgia  

Mentoring relationships represent an important personal and professional development opportunity for youth, students, and employees alike. However, often mentoring programs and practices are implemented without careful consideration of the science of mentoring.

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Developmental Relationships: A Critique of Two Decades of Published Research from the Mentoring and Tutoring Journal

Beverly J. Irby, Mentoring and Tutoring Journal, Editor  

The Session will cover a decade of published literature on the topic of developmental relationships in mentoring. A critique of the types of literature on the topic and definitions of the topic, which have been published in the journal, Mentoring and Tutoring, will be addressed.

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Mentoring in Higher Education

William A. Gray, Mentoring Solutions President  

This Workshop provides information and hands-on activities associated with developing productive formalized mentoring relationships, based on experience doing this since 1978 for over 40,000 mentor-protege partners in over 150 organizations.

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Emotional Intelligence and Positive Psychology for Mentors

Rochelle Lari, Sandia National Laboratories  

A workshop outlining how the establishment of developmental relationships help with motivation, self-control, self-awareness, personal communication and personal relationships.

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Mentoring in Creativity and the Arts

Falko Steinback, Soloist, Composer and Piano Pedagogue   Elizabeth J. Kuuttila,   Courtney Johnson, Professor of Pediatrics & Rheumatology, UNM Children’s Hospital & School of Medicine  

Mentoring in Creativity and the Arts is a special session that reflects on the various ways that creativity and developmental relationships intersect, while highlighting the importance of creativity throughout all disciplines. Dr.

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2012 Events

Facilitating Developmental Relationships for SUCCESS

October 24, 2012 - October 26, 2012

Mentoring Innovation: The Experience of a Composer-Scientist

Elaine Bearer, Professor, The University of New Mexico  

The ability to find meaning in music, to create original musical works, and to think musical thoughts has long caught the attention of philosophers, historians, mathematicians, acoustic engineers, as well as biologists, anatomists, neuroscientists and cognitive scientists.

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The Role of Mentors in Musical Performers

Guillermo Figueroa, Artistic Director of The Figueroa Music and Arts Project  

A presentation by Guillermo Figueroa, a long time violinist, violist and conductor, on musical comprehension and the various ways in which it is acquired, nurtured, or rejected. Specific topics will include: 1. The importance of family influences.

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Mentoring in the Arts

Courtney Johnson, Professor of Pediatrics & Rheumatology, UNM Children’s Hospital & School of Medicine  

Mentoring in medicine and the arts is a lifelong experience-–as both mentor and mentee. We are to be conscientious caretakers-- good stewards--of our talents and education and of those opportunities for the education and edification of others.  And we must not forget that we always have much to learn from our colleagues, students, friends, and patients.

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De-mystifying the Creative and Drawing Processes

Amy Stein, Professional Artist  

In the mentoring process, my focus is to de-mystify the creative and drawing process. I believe that art is a gateway to healing and self- validation. During my art workshop, my primary objective is to empower participants to access their inner artist. Most people have been conditioned to believe that they are not artists.

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Processing Movement and Sound from a Pianist’s and Composer’s Perspective

Falko Steinback, Soloist, Composer and Piano Pedagogue  

My composition “Figures” is a piano cycle comprised of 17 independent etudes. The etudes are connected thematically, through both technical and musical aspects, whereby each one has its own focus. The idea for this cycle grew out of my work on the “Compendium of Piano Technique”.

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Energizing the Water

Maggie Werner-Washburne, University of New Mexico  

Mentoring is a word that is used to define interactions at many levels. It can be a one-off interaction in which you give a student a book or it can be a life-long dialogue. I think that it is important, when we talk about mentoring to know what we mean before we start to say things about it.

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Coaching Skills for Mentors

Maureen Breeze, National and International Speaker, Co-author, Lead Trainer & Coach at Lifebound  

In this session, participants will be introduced to academic coaching and witness first-hand how coaching skills can be used to create bonds with students, develop intrinsic motivation, help students create vision for their futures, and promote accountability.

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Flying Your True Colors

David L. Eng, President and Chief Learning Officer of DLE Consultants  

True Colors is a simple model of personality identification for people of all ages that improves communications and relationships through recognition of a person’s true character.  Utilizing colors as a metaphor to differentiate the four basic personality types, True Colors becomes an uncomplicated language for every individual to convey complex ideas very simply.

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Mentoring In Higher Education

Laura G. Lunsford, Assistant Professor, Psychology, University of Arizona South  

This workshop will focus on how to build high quality mentoring relationships through: 1) development of mentoring competencies and skills, and 2) development of standards and benchmarks.  Mentoring programs have proliferated on college campuses and focus on mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students as well as faculty.

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A Confucius Model of Mentoring Relationship

Xiu Gang, President, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, China   Chuo Jingzhong, Director, Confucius Institute, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, China  

A review of large amount of literature on the theme of mentoring reveals that remarkable achievements have been made in the west academic fields including business, government, medicine, law as well as education whereas little research has been done in non-western scholarship especially in China.

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Formal Mentoring: “Evil Step-Sister” or “Perfect Cousin” to Informal Relationships?

Belle R. Ragins, Professor, Human Resource Management  

Formal mentoring is often assumed to be less effective than informal relationships, yet there are many hidden strengths in formal relationships. This session will dispel the myths and illuminate the potential strengths of formal mentoring.

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2011 Events

Learning Across Disciplines

October 26, 2011 - October 28, 2011

Emerging themes in mentoring

David Clutterbuck, European Mentoring & Coaching Council  

Mentoring has evolved a great deal since formal programs began in the early 1980s. Early on in the evolution of formal mentoring the US and Europe went different directions, with the US emphasizing sponsorship and relatively directive behav- iors and Europe emphasizing non-directive developmental behaviors. Increasingly these two models are being mixed and matched in novel ways.

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Mentoring: Advanced Skills Development Workshop

David Clutterbuck, European Mentoring & Coaching Council  

This workshop is aimed at experienced mentors, who want to add a range of different approaches and techniques to their practice; and at program managers, who need to help mentors overcome setbacks.

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Mentoring Best Practices in Academic Settings

Laura G. Lunsford, Assistant Professor, Psychology, University of Arizona South   Mary Irwin, University of Arizona  

Mentoring programs have proliferated on college campuses with goals for student retention and to develop their re- search/academic interests. These programs involve a variety of mentors and mentoring techniques. There are peer mentoring programs, faculty-student mentoring programs, and group mentoring activities.

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Creating Effective Mentoring Programs

Michael Shenkman, Best Practice Resources, Inc.  

Mentoring is approaching a threshold. While mentoring was once considered to be an informal process, now institutions are creating “mentoring programs.” These are engagements that provide a certain kind of support that is distinguished from other services.

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Deepening the Quality of Mentoring: The Un-Discussable

Joseph Pascarelli, International Mentoring Association  

Empowerment is the fundamental focus of Mentoring—strengthening the determination, resiliency, self-confidence, and positive inner drive of the mentee. It is all based on the relationship between the mentee and the mentor -- the deeper the relationship, the greater the empowerment.

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The Importance of Caring in Mentoring Relationships: Defining and Exploring an Old Concept as a New Construct

Scott N. Taylor, University of New Mexico  

There has recently been an emergence in research on the importance of compassion, empathy, perspective taking, authenticity, and the like.  These have been shown to be critical to the development of stronger connections in the workplace, stronger individual performance, and higher employee engagement. In this plenary session we will present the beginning of our own research on these issues.

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2010 Events

Mentoring Theory & Practice: Learning from the Past & Envisioning the Future

October 27, 2010 - October 29, 2010

Mentoring & Inclusion - Diversity Unleashed

Carmen M. Carter, Multicultural Women's Council  

Workshops about mentoring and inclusion are some of the most important sessions anyone will ever attend. Surprisingly, the goal of diversity is not necessarily diversity itself.

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Learning From the Past & Envisioning the Future

Joseph Pascarelli, International Mentoring Association  

In this session, Dr.

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Coaching and Mentoring with Compassion: Helping Others Develop Social and Emotional Competence

Scott N. Taylor, University of New Mexico  

Why is developing social and emotional competence (ESC) critical to leading, managing, mentoring,

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Variations on the Mentoring Theme: New Forms and Practices

Kathy E. Kram, Boston University  

Globalization, increasingly diverse workforces, rapid changes in technology, and persistent environmental turbulence are shaping contemporary workplaces. These forces require individuals and organizations to develop the capacity to learn effectively and efficiently, if they are to successfully meet the challenges they face.

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Creating Effective Mentoring Programs

Laura G. Lunsford, Assistant Professor, Psychology, University of Arizona South  

Enormous resources in time and money are invested in mentoring programs. How do you know if this investment is a good one? How can you show that a mentoring program is effective and successful? This workshop will equip you with the skills to answer these questions.  The workshop is appropriate for both new and experienced professionals.

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Best Practices in Academic Settings

Barry W. Sweeny, Best Practice Resources, Inc.  

Tired of “workshops” that are all lecture and presenters who do not “walk their talk”? Attend this workshop for a refreshing change, but come prepared to participate and to grow your skills.

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2009 Events

Making the Most of Mentoring In a World of Change

November 16, 2009 - November 18, 2009

Developing Effective Mentoring Programs

Larry Carroll, Elmhurst College  

The workshop will assist participants in developing effective mentoring programs which focus on reaching desired organizational goals. The program will address key issues faced in the designing, implementation, and assessment of an effective mentoring program. The workshop will address the best practices of effective mentoring.

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Mentoring and the Responsible Conduct of Research: How do Graduate Students Learn To Mentor?

William Gannon,  

The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently required that any grant awarded to an investigator that supported post-doctoral research must provide training in mentoring for those post-docs. Even more recently, NSF is considering requiring responsible conduct of research training to graduate students and others supported by their funding by early 2010.

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EPowerment: Online Mentoring as an Enabler of Empowerment and Engagement

Izzy Justice, Founder and CEO of EQmentor Inc.  

Five learning principles are a prerequisite for substantive learning: an extended learning model, mentoring, outcome-based learning, emotional safety, and multi-mode learning. Mentoring is a great way to ensure new leaders are properly equipped to handle the challenges of their new roles. Viewed this way, mentoring is a process rather than an outcome.

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The Power of Mentoring Lies in Empowerment—the Development of Human Potential

Joseph Pascarelli, International Mentoring Association  

What is empowerment? What are the ways in which mentors empower others to believe and trust in se

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Holistic Mentoring: What My Grandmother Taught Me

Maggie Werner-Washburne, University of New Mexico  

Mentoring is a combination of listening with your mind and heart. The goal of mentoring is to help each student find their heart’s path, whether this is science or architecture, and empower them to find their own voice, and help them understand what education really is and can do.

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Framing the Conversation

Lois Zachary, Leadership Development Services, LLC  

Dr. Zachary will introduce the “4C concepts” as a framework to stimulate reflection and focus our conversation about mentoring practice during the Institute.

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2008 Events

Fostering a Mentoring Culture in the 21st Century

October 22, 2008 - October 24, 2008