Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. To help ensure your experience with the Mentoring Institute runs as smoothly as possible, we have compiled some of the most common questions. Click on the groups below to expand the questions. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please email mentor@unm.edu for additional assistance.

General Information   

Will the conference program be available on your website?
We do not provide the most current program online until after the conference. You can view past conference programs on our Past Events page.
When will the 2025 Conference be held?
The 2025 Conference is still occurring this year from October 20 to October 24, 2025.
When will the papers be published?
Papers will be published before January of the following year. Every author receives a copy of their paper, which can be found by going to 'My Conference' and then 'Published Papers.'
How do I find the webinar recordings?

Past webinar recordings are available to members only. If you are an MI Member, please click on the link below to view past webinars and join upcoming sessions.


What is the cost of attendance for attendees?

Registration Fees & Deadlines

Standard Registration Deadline October 14th
Early Registration Deadline May 30th
Standard Registration $600
Early Registration $500
Presenter Registration $500
UNM Full-time Student Registration $350
Pre-conference Workshops (full day)   $600
Post-conference Workshops (full day)   $600

Registration fees can be paid online using a VISA or MasterCard. Sorry, no checks or purchase orders.

What is a 'break room'?
Break rooms are presentations rooms.
Will there be Internet access?
Yes, UNM's Lobo Wi-Fi will be available to you. Please sign on as 'Lobo-Guest.'
Will the conference program be available on your website?
We do not provide the most current program online until after the conference. You can view past conference programs on our Past Events page.
Can I get an acceptance letter to include in my dossier?
Certificates will be issued to all attendees, but if you need an acceptance letter, we can accommodate this request.
I recently published a book, can I sell copies at the conference?
You may display your book and give it away, but you cannot sell or advertise for it during your session at the conference.
Are meals included in the registration fee?
No, meals are not included in the registration fee. We offer a few complimentary lunches and refreshments as a courtesy of local sponsors; however, meals are not guaranteed.
Is there funding/scholarships for non-UNM students?
We offer a waiver for the conference fee ONLY to UNM students presenting. We do not have any other type of funding.
What accommodations are available?
If you are an individual with a disability who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified signed language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the Mentoring Conference, please contact us at mentor@unm.edu at least one month before the conference. Public documents, including the agenda and conference program, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact us at mentor@unm.edu if an accessible format is needed. 

Registration Information   

When does the early registration run?
Early registration runs through February 15th to May 30th.
How do I ONLY register for a Conference Workshop?
To register for a conference workshop, please follow the following steps:
  1. Make sure you have completed the conference registration form here.
  2. Go to the Mentoring Institute Payment Page here.
  3. Select the payment method and continue.
  4. The total should be $0.00 at this point and continue by pressing "Add to Cart."
  5. For the first option on the next page, click "Will not be Attending."
  6. Input all remaining information (names, etc.)
  7. For the third to last option on this page, click the workshop you would like to attend.
  8. Continue to payment.
  9. Attend the conference and have a great time!
When is the last day I can register?
The last day to register is October 14th. Late registrations may be accepted; however, we cannot guarantee timely conference materials for late registrants (name badge, certificate, etc.)
What if my co-author has registered and paid already?
All other co-authors who want to be recognized and present their paper(s) with their co-author in the conference also have to register and pay by June 15th.
I need a letter of confirmation or an invoice for reimbursement.
We are happy to provide a letter of confirmation (invoice) for reimbursement. Request one by emailing mentor@unm.edu
I've lost my registration/payment confirmation, how can I get a copy?
Your registration receipt is sent automatically to your inbox when payment has been finalized. We do not have access to your original receipt, but we can offer assistance in finding the date you registered or providing an invoice if you cannot locate the original receipt in your inbox.
What is your refund policy?
To request a refund, please email mentor@unm.edu. If you require a refund of your conference registration, please make a note of the following deadlines:
  • You may receive a full refund of your conference registration before June 30th.
  • You may receive a 50% refund of your conference registration before July 30th.
  • After August 1st, we are unable to process further refunds even if registration occurred after the deadline.

Hotel and Shuttle Information   

Where can I book a hotel room?
We have made arrangements with a local hotel for your convenience. Please check our Accommodations Page to learn more.
Will there be ground transportation to the conference event, or should we expect to take a taxi?
If you are staying at the event hotel, you will have the option to reserve a room with or without transportation hotel-UNM. Transportation is limited to the pre-arranged service; make sure to select your shuttle time at the hotel registration desk. When available, shuttle schedules will be posted on our Accommodations Page. 
Will there be ground transportation made available to tour off-campus?
Due to the number of participants and the unpredictability of individual schedules, the University cannot provide a shuttle service for conference attendees.

Submission & Presenters Information   

Do I submit my paper as an Adobe PDF file or Microsoft Word DOC file?
Please submit papers in Microsoft Word document format (.DOC or .DOCX)
Do I have to submit a paper to present at the conference?
Yes, the paper is mandatory; you must submit a paper to present it at the conference.
What if we can't get our paper in by the deadline?
Unfortunately, we cannot grant extensions since we have to meet our publication deadline. For your submission to be included in our conference materials, it must be submitted no later than July 30th.
Will you publish the paper we submit?
Abstracts are published in our annual program, and full papers are compiled into the annual special issue of the Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching. Authors receive a pdf version of their paper. Access to the entire special issue is granted to our members here.
When will I know my presentation date, time, and location?
We publish our schedule on or around August 19th. If extenuating circumstances require you to present during a specific time, please contact mentor@unm.edu. We will try to accommodate your request to the best of our ability, based on other presenters' acceptance to switch their presentations with yours. Please understand that we cannot guarantee the accommodation of your requests.
What if I can't meet my presentation date?
We may be able to offer another date and time if there are any cancelations. Be sure to stay in touch.
Can I still submit a paper for publication if I'm not attending?
No, because space for publication is limited, and therefore, it must be reserved for presenters.
What will my conference paper be used for?
The conference papers are published in the annual special issue of the Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching.
Who holds the rights to our paper once we submit it?
You retain all rights to submitted materials. Your submission grants the Mentoring Institute permission to publish your paper in the annual special issue of the Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching.
If you are a third-party looking to republish an article found in the CMC, you must contact the author directly as they retain the copyright. 
Do we retain rights to our papers?
Yes, authors keep the copyrights of their papers.  Papers may be used for further publication, depending on the regulations established by the publisher.
I made some changes to my abstract and would like to resubmit the edited version, what should I do?
You can edit your abstract by accessing the Edit My Abstract page under My Conference.
I need to change the title of my paper, what should I do?
You can edit your title by accessing the Edit My Abstract page under My Conference. Please make sure that this does not exceed the 80 character max.
Do presenters need to pay the registration fee if they are presenting?
The registration fee grants participants access to a five-day conference featuring more than 200 individual/panel presentations and 10 plenary sessions. All presenters must register to attend the conference. In recognition of the presenter's one-hour contribution, they receive a $100 discount from the standard registration fee.
Abstract Submissions
When is the abstract submission due?
The abstract submissions deadline is April 22, 2025, at 11:59 PM (Mountain Standard Time). The submission page will no longer be available after this time.
Where do I submit my abstract?
Abstracts can be submitted here.
When will I know I've been accepted to present?
The authors will be notified of acceptance via email on April 30th, 2025.
What are the guidelines for abstract submission?
Abstract submissions must include the following:
  • Title (80 characters maximum)
  • Author(s) (6 authors maximum)
  • Abstract Body (300 words maximum)
What does it mean when my abstract has been accepted?
When your abstract is accepted, this means that we are offering you a 45-minutes slot to present during the concurrent sessions at the conference. This also means that your paper topic has been accepted, and you are required to submit the paper for peer review. You can accept or reject the peer review comments for the final paper submission.
Paper Submissions
When is the deadline for my paper?
There are two separate deadlines for the papers. The first draft of the paper is due on May 30th by 11:59 PM Mountain Standard Time. Papers are then peer-reviewed and returned with comments on June 30th.  The authors then have until July 30th to submit the final paper for publication in the special issue of the Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching.
Where do I submit my paper?
Log in with your conference user account and go to 'My Papers'
What are the guidelines for the paper submission?
There are two different guidelines based on your type of presentation. For individual and panel presentations, please follow the guidelines below:
  1. Please, use this template as a guide. download template
  2. References must be in APA 7 Style. Visit here for APA 7 guidelines
  3. Word Document - 5-7 pages (single-spaced) with 1” margins; Times New Roman 12 pt.
Which sections of my paper count towards the 5-7 page limit?
The 5-7 page limit includes your title, author(s), and organization(s), abstract, tables, figures, appendices, and body of the paper. Your references are NOT included in the page count and will be added separately at the end of your paper.
How should my paper submission be formatted?
The submissions should be formatted as follows (All text should be aligned left):
  1. Line1: Title (80 characters max)
  2. Line2: Authors: Last Name, I.
  3. Line3: Organization/Institution/Company
Individual / Panel / Round Table
  1. Abstract (300 words maximum, included in the 5-7 page limit)
  2. Content (5-7 pages, 1" margins, single-spaced, includes heading and abstract)
  3. References (not included in the 5-7 page limit), limit to a maximum of one page.
  4. Images, graphs, tables, and figures (included in 5-7 page limit) must be additionally submitted in .jpg  or pdf high-resolution formats.
  1. Abstract/Description of Problem (300 words maximum, included in the 1-2 pages limit)
  2. Description of Content (1-2 pages, 1-inch margins, single-spaced, includes heading and abstract )
  3. References (not included 1-2 page limit), limit to a maximum of one page.
I am submitting an oral presentation and a poster on the same subject. Do I need to write two separate papers?
No, you do not need to submit two separate papers, you will only need to submit one 5-7 page paper.
Can my job title be included in the program and on my paper submission?
Due to severe space constraints in our program, and for clarity and cohesiveness throughout the conference publications, we respectfully request that authors do not include job titles, as we will remove these during preparation for publication.
What format should the citations/references follow?
Citations should be in APA 7 format. For guidelines, please visit Purdue OWL for guidelines and examples.
What should I do with the plagiarism report?
Please review the areas highlighted in the report and add citations if necessary. The report is generated by an automated system, so it will most likely highlight a few things that do not need to be cited, such as common phrases. You do not need to fix everything that is highlighted, but your final paper must have a similarity index (listed on the last page of the report) of less than 30% to be published.
What are the guidelines for Round Tables?
The round table sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes. As a round table leader, you (and your team if presenting with someone else) will have 10 minutes to present your topic, and 20 minutes to lead the discussion. Right after, the general session moderator will have 10-15 minutes for conclusions based on the papers submitted and final questions. Participants will sit around the table. Considering this setting, you may use any visuals you would like (just not projections). We suggest printing your visuals in a large format, placing them in a flip chart with a built-in easel stand; bring handouts for all participants (we estimate 10-20 participants per table).
Do all authors have to register for the conference?
Yes, all authors must register for the conference and make best effort to present. This is to ensure uniformity in the program, conference at a glance, and the Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching published later. 
Poster Submissions
What are the guidelines for posters?
Poster presenters are required to design a poster and turn in a 1-2 page paper that summarizes the content.  You may either travel with your poster or bring the components of the poster to adhere to the poster boards beforehand. We will provide 48" w x 36" h, tri-fold poster board, pushpins, and adhesive. Posters must follow these dimensions.
How should the posters be designed and formatted?
We generally leave poster design and content up to the presenter, and there are many different ways to display the necessary information. The most important thing is clarity, and the rest is up to you. In the past, presenters have included graphs, photos, and other visuals to make their posters more engaging. View this template for an idea on how to design your poster.
Will I have a projector and/or laptop available to me?
Yes. We will provide a Microsoft Surface Pro equipped with Microsoft Office and Adobe Reader. There will be a projection system, likely a TV, in all presentation rooms.
Will there be someone to help me run the projector and/or a laptop?
We will have a conference volunteer on hand to set up equipment and offer assistance if needed, but you will be responsible for running your presentation.
What if I need to make copies before the conference?
We urge you to make copies prior to your arrival at the conference, but if necessary, we can direct you to 3 locations on campus where you can do so here.
Can I bring my presentation on a USB drive?
Yes, we will provide projectors and laptops with USB ports.
Can I bring my presentation on an external CD?
Our laptops do not have CD drives, but you are welcome to bring your own laptop, just make sure that you have the proper adapter.
How long is the presentation? Should I follow a specific format?
45-minutes. Presentations should be formatted as follows: 30-minutes for presentation, 10-minutes for Q&A, and 5-minutes to fill out session evaluations.
How many people are going to come to my presentation?
Past presentations have averaged an attendance of 15-25 participants, so you can estimate that you'll need between 15-25 handouts. We expect up to 700 participants and presentations are self-select, therefore some presentations will have more participants than others.
What types of presentations are available to us?
Individual Session - A 45-minute concurrent session conducted by a single speaker.
Panel Session - A 45-minute concurrent session conducted by two or more speakers.
Poster Session - A 1-hour social hour/networking event, where attendees can mingle and discuss the poster presentations. 
The 2024 conference will not have round-table sessions.                                                                
When will I know my presentation date, time, and location?
You will receive an email confirming your presentation schedule on August 19th.
What if I need to present on a certain day at the conference?
If you need to present on a certain day due to schedule conflicts, please send us an email with at least two days you can present during the conference. Requests will be accepted until July 30th, and after this deadline, we can no longer accommodate special requests.
Is there a PowerPoint Presentation format we should be using?
Yes, we ask that you use our formatting for all presentations. The format can be downloaded here. This is to ensure compatibility and accessability for all participants. 

How to Cite The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching

How should I cite an article published in a special issue of The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching (2008-Date)?
To cite an article from the Conference Special Issue, please follow the citation style below:


2024 Annual Special Issue 

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2024). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 8(1), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/vol8no3

2023 Annual Special Issue 

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2023). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 7(1), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2023/

2022 Annual Special Issue 

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2022). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 6(1), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2022/

2021 Annual Special Issue 

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2021). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 5(1), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2021/

2020 Annual Special Issue 

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2020). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 4(1), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2020/

2019 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2019). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 3(1), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2019/

2018 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2018). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 2(1), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2018/

2017 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2017). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(10), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2017

2016 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2017). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(9), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2016

2015 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2017). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(8), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2015

2014 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2017). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(7), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2014

2013 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2017). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(6), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2013

2012 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2017). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(5), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2012

2011 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B.  (2017). Title of the article.  The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(4), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2011

2010 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B.  (2017). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(3), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2010

2009 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2017). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(2), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2009

2008 Annual Special Issue

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2017). Title of the article. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(1), xx-xxx. Retrieved from https://www.mentor-cmc.com/cmc/cmc2008


How should I cite this publication?
To cite the entire publication, please follow the citation style below:



Dominguez, N., & Garcia, D. (Eds.). (2022). Fostering Diverse Communities of Mentorship: Evidence-Based Practices for Reciprocal Growth [Special Issue 15]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 6(1).


Dominguez, N., & Garcia, D. (Eds.). (2021). Mentoring in an Interconnected World [Special Issue 14]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 5(1).


Dominguez, N., Edwards, A., & Moore, J. S. (Eds.). (2020). High-quality connections: Developmental networks - science and practice [Special Issue 13]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 4(1).


Dominguez, N., Neder, C.M., & Zaman, S. (Eds.). (2019). Towards the science of mentoring [Special Issue 12]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 3(1).


Dominguez, N., Gandert, Y., Moore, J.S., & Edwards, A. (Eds.). (2018). Mentoring, coaching, and leadership for innovation and entrepreneurship [Special Issue 11]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 2(1).


Dominguez, N., Chrisman, T., Kelley, B., & Westfall, E. (Eds.). (2017). 10th annual mentoring conference proceedings (2nd ed.): A decade of cultivating an inclusive mentoring community [Special Issue 10]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(10).


Dominguez, N., Alexander, D., Chrisman, T., Kailer, K., Kelly, B., & Westfall, E. (Eds.). (2017). 9th annual mentoring conference proceedings (2nd ed.): The power of mentoring and coaching [Special Issue 9]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(9). (Original work published by Dominguez, N. & Alexander, D.  (Eds.). 2016).


Dominguez, N., Alexander, D., Chrisman, T., Kailer, K., Kelly, B., & Westfall, E. (Eds.). (2017). 8th annual mentoring conference proceedings (2nd ed.): New perspectives in mentoring: a quest for leadership excellence & innovation [Special Issue 8]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(8). (Original work published by Dominguez, N. & Gandert, Y. (Eds.) 2015).


Dominguez, N., Alexander, D., Chrisman, T., Kailer, K., Kelly, B., & Westfall, E. (Eds.). (2017). 7th annual mentoring conference proceedings (2nd ed.): D evelopmental networks: mentoring & coaching at work [Special Issue 7]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(7). (Original work published by Dominguez, N. & Gandert, Y. (Eds.) 2014).


Dominguez, N., Alexander, D., Chrisman, T., Kailer, K., Kelly, B., & Westfall, E. (Eds.). (2017). 6th annual mentoring conference proceedings (2nd ed.): I mpact & effectiveness of developmental relationships [Special Issue 6]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(6). (Original work published by Dominguez, N. & Gandert, Y. (Eds.) 2013).


Dominguez, N., Alexander, D., Chrisman, T., Kailer, K., Kelly, B., & Westfall, E. (Eds.). (2017). 5th annual mentoring conference proceedings (2nd ed.): F acilitating developmental relationships for success [Special Issue 5]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(5). (Original work published by Dominguez, N. & Gandert, Y. (Eds.) 2012).


Dominguez, N., Alexander, D., Chrisman, T., Kailer, K., Kelly, B., & Westfall, E. (Eds.). (2017). 4th annual mentoring conference proceedings (2nd ed.): L earning across disciplines [Special Issue 4]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(4). (Original work published by Dominguez, N. & Sundvall, L. (Eds.) 2011).


Dominguez, N., Alexander, D., Chrisman, T., Kailer, K., Kelly, B., & Westfall, E. (Eds.). (2017). 3rd annual mentoring conference proceedings (2nd ed.): L earning from the past and envisioning the future [Special Issue 3]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(3). (Original work published by Dominguez, N. & Wong, C. (Eds.) 2010).


Dominguez, N., Alexander, D., Chrisman, T., Kailer, K., Kelly, B., & Westfall, E. (Eds.). (2017). 2nd annual mentoring conference proceedings (2nd ed.): M aking the most of mentoring in a world of change [Special Issue 2]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(2). (Original work published by Dominguez, N. & Wong, C. (Eds.) 2009).


Dominguez, N., Alexander, D., Chrisman, T., Kailer, K., Kelly, B., & Westfall, E. (Eds.). (2017). Inaugural annual mentoring conference proceedings (2nd ed.): Fostering a mentoring culture in the 21st century [Special Issue 1]. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching, 1(1). (Original work published by Dominguez, N. & Smith, M. (Eds.) 2008).


How should I cite original proceedings in CD (2008-2016)?
To cite your paper, please follow APA citation style: List by last names and initials; commas separate author names, while the last author name is preceded again by ampersand.


Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (2016). Title of your article. In Dominguez, N. & Alexander, D. (Eds.). 9th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Developmental Networks: The Power of Mentoring and Coaching (pp. xx-xx). Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico.

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (2015). Title of your article. In Dominguez, N. & Gandert, Y. (Eds.). 8th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: New Perspectives in Mentoring: A Quest for Leadership Excellence & Innovation (pp. xx-xx). Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico.

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (2014). Title of your article. In Dominguez, N. & Gandert, Y. (Eds.). 7th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Developmental Networks: Mentoring & Coaching at Work (pp. xx-xx). Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico.

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (2013). Title of your article. In Dominguez, N. & Gandert, Y. (Eds.). 6th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Impact & Effectiveness of Developmental Relationships (pp. xx-xx). Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico.

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (2012). Title of your article. In Dominguez, N. & Gandert, Y. (Eds.). 5th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Facilitating Developmental Relationships for Success (pp. xx-xx). Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico.

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (2011). Title of your article. Dominguez, N. & Sundvall, L. (Eds.). 4th Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Learning Across Disciplines (pp. xx-xx). Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico.

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (2010). Title of your article. Dominguez, N. & Wong, C. (Eds.). 3rd Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Mentoring Theory and Practice: Learning from the Past and Envisioning the Future (pp. xx-xx). Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico.

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (2009). Title of your article. Dominguez, N. & Wong, C. (Eds.). 2nd Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Making the Most of Mentoring in a World of Change (pp. xx-xx). Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico.

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (2008). Title of your article. Dominguez, N. & Smith, M. (Eds.). Inaugural Annual Mentoring Conference Proceedings: Fostering a Mentoring Culture in the 21st Century (pp. xx-xx). Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico.