Conference Venue

Student Union Building (SUB)

Each year, the Mentoring Conference is held at the Student Union Building (SUB), located at the University of New Mexico’s main campus.  The keynote sessions will be held in the SUB Ballrooms on the main level, and the concurrent sessions will be held in the break rooms on the upper level of the SUB.

Maps of the SUB floor plans can be downloaded here.  The SUB also features a number of dining options, which are available here.

For assistance in locating the SUB on the UNM Campus, download the PDF below: 

UNM Main Campus Map


Arrangements have been made with the following hotels for mentoring conference attendees to stay at a discounted rate.

To take advantage of this special rate, reservations must be completed by phone or online through the link provided below. If calling by phone, you must let them know you are attending the Mentoring Conference.


(505) 843-7000

$149 per night


  • + Wi-Fi included
  • - No Breakfast
  • +Transportataion Hotel - UNM on a pre-arranged schedule

  • Last Day to Book : 10/06/2025


For guests staying at the Sheraton, there will be a limited number of courtesy shuttles on a first-come, first-served basis. Please, sign in at the front desk during your check-in and try to avoid the last shuttle that might not arrive on time for the first session of the day. No additional shuttles will be provided.  

Sheraton Transportation Schedule


If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier qualified signed language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the Mentoring Conference, please contact us at at least 1 month prior to the meeting. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact us at if an accessible format is needed.