Invitation to Submit a Manuscript to the 2025 Spring Quarterly Issue
The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching
“The Value of Mentoring for Leadership Development”
The Mentoring Institute at The University of New Mexico
Theme: “Sustaining Mentoring Communities of Practice”
Dr. Nora Dominguez, Director
Dr. Mary Barbara Trube, Chief Editor
Call for Proposals
Manuscripts for the 2025 Spring Quarterly Themed Journal?of the Chronicle of Mentoring & Coaching are now being solicited. The Spring 2025 issue will present articles based on the ongoing research, project and program development, and theory generation of authors and researchers related to the theme. You are invited because your previous work, as a paper and presentation for colleagues at a previous Mentoring Institute annual conference at UNM in Albuquerque, NM, were deemed to be contributions to the field, and your topic is related to the theme of the Spring publication. The target date of publication for this peer-reviewed, themed journal is 15 June 2025.? The schedule of dates leading up to publication are listed at the end of this invitation.
Authors are invited to submit a full article of approximately 5500-6000 words based on their previously successful manuscripts and presentations about their research, projects, models, interventions, and programs related to mentoring communities of practice. As a previous presenter and author, each invitee belongs to a community of scholars and practitioners who actively work to retain, engage, develop, and empower others. We believe that this commitment to the mentoring community will be further demonstrated by each contributor’s review of one-to-two articles?submitted by fellow authors. This will ensure that each manuscript will undergo a double-blind review, which is valued in professional and academic communities.?As previous presenters, authors have an account with the Mentoring Institute and will be able to access the portal to submit and retrieve papers. Any co-authors, who are not in the UNM Mentoring Institute system, will need to register to have access to the system. There is no fee for registering.
If you would like to contribute an article based on the theme with your previous or new or additional colleagues, for the Spring Quarterly CMC, 9(2), please send an “intention to submit” by March 15, 2025 via email to Mary Barbara Trube, at Although the intention to submit is informal, it should be written as a single-spaced Word document that include the author’s(s’) name(s) and affiliation(s), email address(es), a telephone contact number for the lead author, and a working title for the manuscript. Those who respond affirmatively to this invitation to submit will be sent a link to the UNM Mentoring Institute System within a week to upload an Abstract for the article. The Abstract is due in the Mentoring Institute system by April 1, 2025. The Draft Article Without Identifiers is due April 21st. Blind peer reviews will begin April 25th and end on May 5, 2025. Previously published issues may be read online by accessing the website at , logging in to your account, and clicking on the publication link.
Final manuscripts should include the author’s(s’) name(s), affiliation(s), abstract, 3-5 key words, acknowledgements (if grant funded), introduction, review of literature, program/project/study, findings/results, discussion, conclusion, and references. References are followed by authors biographical sketches in approximately 150 words. Final papers are due May 31, 2025. If tables, charts, or figures are needed to convey content of the article, they should be within the dimensions of the page, portrait style with one-inch margins, headers, and footers. These items are placed in the appendices, and the location for their placement within the document should be highlighted. Every effort will be made by the editorial staff to place them within the narrative, however, if that is not possible, they will be located in the Appendices.
Authors will be able to begin retrieving their feedback as it is uploaded into the system by the reviewers; authors do not need to wait until the final date to retrieve the drafts. The final manuscript should be submitted as ready for publication. Below is the current schedule for CMC 9(2):
Invitation to Submit: March 7, 2025 | Intention to Submit: March 15, 2025 | |||||||||
Abstract Submitted: April 1, 2025 | Draft Article Due: April, 21, 2025 | |||||||||
Peer Reviews Begin: February 4, 2025 | Peer Reviews End: February 15, 2025 | |||||||||
Final Papers Due: March 1, 2025 | Publication: March 15, 2025 |
Lead authors will be notified of doi numbers after publication. It is important for all authors to be registered with the Mentoring Institute to retrieve the article. Please forward all queries to
Mary Barbara Trube?
Editorial Consultant, Chief Editor?
The Mentoring Institute?
The University of New Mexico?