5 Tips for Successful Mentoring Program Implementation
#1. Compel Mentoring Pairs to Define Learning Objectives
#2. Set Clear Timelines
#3. Have Mentors and Mentees Clarify Their Ground Rules
#4. Train Mentors and Mentees
#5. Provide Tools and Resources
SOURCE: Exerpt from "5 Tips for Successful Mentoring Program Implementation" by Lauren Trees for the Association for Talent Development. https://www.td.org/Publications/Blogs/Human-Capital-Blog/2017/04/5-Tips-for-Successful-Mentoring-Program-Implementation
If You're a Mentor, Be Like Yoda
From "6 Things Great Mentors Do Differently" by Sujan Patel:
Great mentors invest in the success of their mentees and, often, that means pushing them beyond their expectations. An article from Kauffman Entrepreneurs ties this one back to one of pop culture's greatest examples of mentorship, the Star Wars character, Yoda:
"Yoda sets out one challenge after another for Luke to help Luke manage himself better, hone his skills and more fully appreciate his responsibilities to use The Force for good."
Takeaway: If you're a mentor, be like Yoda. Always expect more from your mentees. They may not know what they're capable of otherwise.
Read more here: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/289021
Maintaining Dignity, Respect, Professionalism and Ethical Treatment in a Mentoring Relationship
"Maintain high standards of ethics and professionalism: Mentors and mentees must strive to uphold appropriate ethical behavior as professionals."
Best practices for ethics and professionalism in a mentoring realtionship:
- Promote mutual respect and trust
- Maintain confidentiality
- Be diligent in providing knowledge, wisdom, and developmental support
- Carefully frame advice and feedback so it is well-received and constructive
From Amy Greil's "A Story of Mentoring" found online at http://www.kenoshanews.com/news/amy_greil_a_story_of_mentoring_493097750.php
Iron Sharpens Iron
It takes strong mentors to create strong leaders, but how does one become a strong mentor? Some say mentors are shaped through human interaction - who we talk to, who we spend time with, and who we look up to all play a roll in who we become. Talk with your mentor today about how those around you affect your day to day life.
Enjoy the Experience of Mentoring
Mentoring is a great opportunity for both individuals in the partnership to grow, and also an amazing way to make a lifelong connection with another person.