  • 4 Videos to Prepare Mentees for Success - Chronus
    Posted on June 30, 2017

    This four-part series teaches mentees how to be successful in their mentoring connections, because it's important that mentees know what role they play in their mentoring relationship.

    Video topics include:

    1. Finding the right mentor
    2. Asking someone for mentorship
    3. Preparing for the first meeting with a mentor
    4. Developing a growth mindset for impactful mentorship

    Watch the videos online here. 


    About Chronus:

    Chronus is the leader in mentoring software. Their configurable platform is powering hundreds of successful mentoring programs for some of the world’s largest companies, educational institutions, and professional associations. With unique MatchIQ™ technology, a guided experience for participants, and the most configurable platform in the industry, Chronus enables mentoring programs to efficiently scale and drive more strategic value for organizations worldwide.

    If you have any additional questions about mentoring, connect with Chronus on Twitter @ChronusSoftware, LinkedIn, or on Facebook.

  • If You're a Mentor, Be Like Yoda
    Posted on June 5, 2017

    From "6 Things Great Mentors Do Differently" by Sujan Patel:

    Great mentors invest in the success of their mentees and, often, that means pushing them beyond their expectations. An article from Kauffman Entrepreneurs ties this one back to one of pop culture's greatest examples of mentorship, the Star Wars character, Yoda:

    "Yoda sets out one challenge after another for Luke to help Luke manage himself better, hone his skills and more fully appreciate his responsibilities to use The Force for good."

    Takeaway: If you're a mentor, be like Yoda. Always expect more from your mentees. They may not know what they're capable of otherwise.

    Read more here: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/289021

  • Helping your Mentee Trust Their Own Judgment
    Posted on April 17, 2017

    "Being a sounding board for your mentee, allowing them to discuss the situation with you, then helping them to think through the situation by asking them questions to draw out the consequences of various actions, is always more empowering for a mentee than advising them what to do. It helps them work through the issue and come to their own conclusions. By doing so, you ultimately help them to learn to think through issues themselves and trust their own judgment, both valuable life skills."

    -From "10 Ways to be a Good Mentor" by Blue Sky Coaching.

    Read the full PDF version here: https://www.blueskycoaching.com.au/pdf/v4i10_mentor.pdf

  • Communicating through Barriers
    Posted on April 1, 2015

    Communication can be difficult.  The next time you find yourself in a communication bind, remember that everyone views the world through different eyes.  What may be very clear to you could be out of focus for other individuals.

  • Help Your Mentee Suggest Activities
    Posted on May 21, 2014

    While some protégés love suggesting potential activities for their mentoring sessions, others often either lack ideas or are simply unsure of what exactly a mentoring activity is. As a mentor, give your mentee a range of activities to choose from, and allow them to pick from the list. 

  • Take an Interest in Your Mentee
    Posted on April 21, 2014

    As a mentor, take personal interest in your mentee. Learn their goals, aspirations, and desires. Legitimate care for your protégé can help ensure future success. 

  • Thank Your Mentor
    Posted on April 14, 2014

    Your mentor is taking time away from his or her own life in order to assist you. A little appreciation can make a big difference, and may encourage them to mentor others in the future!

  • Learn How to Accept Criticism
    Posted on April 7, 2014

    As a protégé, remember that when your mentor critiques you, he or she is simply trying to help. Respond positively to advice and suggestions given to you by your mentor, and attempt to make improvements based on his or her guidance. 

  • On the Importance of Flexibility
    Posted on April 4, 2014

    Occasional random occurrences may prevent the mentor or the protégé from fulfilling their duties in the mentoring relationship. Keep communication open to help resolve such issues, and try to get back on track as soon as possible. Understand that interruptions and delays are a fact of life, and attempt to work around them!

  • Be Reliable!
    Posted on March 31, 2014

    Communicate frequently and keep your mentor or mentee up to date with important events. Inform your mentoring partner of any important changes that could impact the relationship.