#best practices
  • On Giving Criticism
    Posted on May 30, 2014

    As a mentor, when giving criticism to your mentee, focus on the behavior and not the individual. Your mentee will feel less of a need to be defensive, and it should result in a smoother feedback process. 

  • Reverse Mentoring
    Posted on May 28, 2014

    Mentoring does not have to limit itself to senior individuals mentoring younger ones. Reverse mentoring (which occurs when an older person is mentored by a younger one) can be a great way to improve workplace skills. Younger individuals are often more open minded and in tune with technology: an important combination in this modern, fast paced world. 

  • Acknowledge a Mentee's Achievements
    Posted on May 23, 2014

    Mentors should highlight their mentees achievements, big or small. Acknowledging success helps build a protégés confidence, and encourages them to continue successfully accomplishing their goals. 

  • Help Your Mentee Suggest Activities
    Posted on May 21, 2014

    While some protégés love suggesting potential activities for their mentoring sessions, others often either lack ideas or are simply unsure of what exactly a mentoring activity is. As a mentor, give your mentee a range of activities to choose from, and allow them to pick from the list. 

  • Shared Responsibility
    Posted on May 19, 2014

    It's good for mentors to feel responsible for their mentees, however it's important for mentors to recognize that they are not primarily accountable for the mentees success. Mentoring involves a shared responsibility, with the mentee bearing a larger portion. The success of a mentoring relationship is very dependent on how dedicated the protégé is. 

  • Consistency is Important
    Posted on May 16, 2014

    Mentoring works because of the relationship between mentor and protégé. To develop maintain this relationship, it's important that the pair meet frequently and regularly. 

  • Mentoring Mentors
    Posted on May 14, 2014

    Many people forget that even the most senior among us can benefit from mentoring. Often mentors in high positions are assumed to be too knowledgable to need another mentor. However, even these individuals can often benefit from a mentor during a change in career focus or professional path. 

  • Curiosity
    Posted on May 12, 2014

    Curiosity is a characteristic of many successful mentors and mentees. Curious individuals proactively seek solutions to problems that they don't know the answer to. They also tend to be more motivated to find ways to improve their mentoring performance (e.g. research best practices, ask for advice from superiors). 

  • On Accountability
    Posted on May 9, 2014

    Setting goals is an important step in a mentoring relationship, but following through with those aims is even more crucial. Frequent "check ups" and meetings can help. By agreeing to be accountable to his or her mentor, a protégé can become more motivated to accomplish tasks. 

  • Rewarding Mentors
    Posted on May 7, 2014

    Mentoring, although rewarding, requires dedication and hard work. Corporations can reward mentors through promotion or mentoring retreats. Academic institutions can hold dinners for their mentors, or provide them with extra conference funding. Making mentors feel wanted is important to the success of any mentoring program, and encourages mentors to continue their work long into the future.